monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I pay off a big loan.

I slept until 2, and when I got up everyone was gone, at work and school, and there was nothing to do. Well, nothing except vacuum and do the laundry, but those were things I did not want to do.

I played Animal Crossing instead. All day. I played for three hours, from 3:30 to 6, then I played again later, after I made dinner (Spanish Omelets, Kim's current favorite) and Rich pissed me off. I just ignored him and played AC until Rachel came home from work. I played and played and I fished and I fished. I earned enough money through fishing to finish paying off Monita's house. (Monita is Rachel's character.)

At some point I felt the need for human companionship, and I called Scott, who was napping and woke him up, but when I told him about the fishing - and it was pretty exciting today - he said that if I was just calling to talk about Animal Crossing, he had homework to do, so he blew me off. You're welcome for that gift of life I gave you, son!

So I'm back at work and I finished Kim's new mitten and cast on for her second mitten at home, so I'm going to get as much done on that as I can tonight. I have to find something to read while I knit. I finished Sylvester by Georgette Heyer last night and I liked it a lot better than The Corinthian, which is not to say that The Corinthian was not good. It was okay, but I liked Sylvester better.

Oh, I just remembered that the book club is meeting tomorrow at my house. I need to vacuum and make some sort of snack.

11:09 p.m. - 2006-03-01


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