monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Knit faster if you're running out of yarn!

It's my night off and I'm going to bed soon, but I just thought I'd write something quick.

It was book club night, and I told everyone last time that I would make the snack, so I went shopping with RA and bought stuff and then came home and made food!

I wanted to make dips, so I did some hummus, guacamole and the cream cheese and pesto dip that Diana told me about. It was all good, except that the pesto dip was under the broiler too long and was burned around the edges. It was still kind of tasty, but I'm sure would have been better NOT burned.

We talked about the book, and Heidi was the only one who brought her knitting, so she stayed afterward to knit. She was ready to knit the heel flap and turn the heel, and she stayed about an hour and a half after the others left, but she is working on the gusset decreases now, so she made a lot of progress.

While we knitted we had a chance to talk about some things, like our dogs and all of their problems. Her dog is a lot more broken than mine, I tell you what! Her dog has allergies to a lot of things and scratches himself raw and gets infections! That is very unappealing!

I'm getting tired now, so I'm going to go upstairs and read a little while I knit Kim's second mitten. I'm running out of yarn, so I'm starting to wonder what I should use to knit the thumb if I run out before I get there!

10:57 p.m. - 2006-03-02


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