monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Waiting for the telephone to tell me I'm alive

Kim played in the school orchestra tonight and I went with RA to watch. This is a part of parenting I do not enjoy - sitting in bleachers in a hot gym, with a thousand strangers, watching the school choirs, the band and the orchestra each perform three numbers. Usually Rich goes, but he has been horribly stressed this week, so when RA said she should go (to watch her seminary students so they will know she cares) I said I would go with her.

Rich came home from work and went back to walk the dog immediately, and when he came in, I said, "I'm going with RA to see the World Arts Festival tonight, so you don't have to go," and instead of saying something appropriately grateful, like, oh, for instance, "Thanks!", he said "You usually make me go to these things! Why are you going?" in an accusing voice! Um, to be nice? So I told him I was going because he's been stressed, and called him Crabby Appleton, and also might have mentioned that it's not my fault if his job sucks. What an ass.

So I went with RA, but I was annoyed with Rich and I forgot my knitting and my cell phone! So there I was, in the bleachers with no knitting to keep me from spinning wildly out of control with boredom and also, no phone to send text messages to Diana!

The World Arts Festival includes displays and demonstrations of student art works, a few of which were Kim's, and food stands run by local restaurants, so we did eat a little pizza and an egg roll. Then we had to go to the musical performance, and oh, the humanity!

The choir director is just the most irritating little weasel. He produces an amazing choir so I guess he can be a little proud, but he was going on about the five Grammy awards the school music program has won, and I just wished he would shut up. There was music, there was singing, I was hot and bored and it was long.

Finally we left and I was so happy to leave the hot gym! RA says next time she will remind me to bring my knitting and my phone (she forgot hers at home in the charger so I couldn't use hers either) because I complain a bit. Heh.

Almost finished with the first sleeve of the charcoal gray sweater. Love the Lamb's Pride wool!

2:34 a.m. - 2006-03-10


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