monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Pass the (smokey Danish) salt.

Kim was gone all day and Rachel is out of town this weekend, so when I got up this afternoon Rich was laying on the couch in the living room, watching the Food Network. There must have been no shows about Nazis or UFOs on the Discovery channel.

He was watching a show about a Best Hamburger contest, and those burgers looked good! We decided to find out which place in our town and surrounding areas makes the best burgers. We're going to go out every Friday and try different places, and see which one is best. I asked Billy No-mates and he gave me two recommendations of places his parents like, so we can start with those.

Then we watched a show about SALT! Wow, just writing that made me feel like a huge loser. It was interesting, though, and now I want to try some fancy salts! We went to the grocery store when that show ended, and I looked in the spice aisle, but didn't find anything more exotic than garlic salt. That's what is considered gourmet here in middle America. I looked on the internet when I got home and found some places to order salt. Cause you know, when you want to buy a bottle of salt for 12 dollars, you can't get it just anywhere.

Rich is getting a little tired of having fish for dinner but since salmon is still on sale (I love Lent), I bought another big piece of salmon and poached that for dinner. I heated some leftover brown rice to go with it.

In knitting news, I worked on sleeve number two of Mrs. CBs Camp Jacket last night at work while I read (what else?) some HP fanfiction. I haven't finished the first sleeve, but I'm up to the cap shaping. I'm using size 6 needles and they feel so big after making nothing but socks on size ones for months!

8:00 p.m. - 2006-03-11


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