monkeymom's Diaryland Diary



This morning when Barb came to work, she brought the newspaper with her, and while she went to the cafeteria to bring back our morning bacon, I glanced through at the front page, then at the front page of the next section, and there was an article about Speed Dating!

A guy here in town had heard about Speed Dating and set up a session for tomorrow night! I photocopied the article and took it home for Rachel, because what could be more fun and entertaining for me than to send Rachel and her friend Kat out for Speed Dating?

Sadly, I had not read the fine print, which said that participants were 18 to 24 years old, which makes Rachel and Kat too old! Darn!

When I woke up, Rachel had gone to work, and Kim was napping after school. So I played a little Animal Crossing and called RA to see what she was doing. I was thinking of making dinner, but then Rich came home and said it was the night of the Blue and Gold Banquet (for Cub Scouts), so he packed some supplies and went back out again. Shortly after that, Kim left to go to Young Women's and there I was, home alone.

Oh, but this is rather funny - before she left for YW, I said to Kim that I wished we could get Taco Bell for dinner, but it would be better to wait for payday (since I just paid Scott's tuition!), and she said she had a little money, but we didn't really have time to eat before she left. Then she said that the reason she has some money is because she sold some of Scott's Magic cards! She said he wasn't playing with them anymore, and some of the guys at school wanted to see them, and she sold a few. She also said that one of the guys picked out a few of the cards and asked her to hold those for him until he had more money, because they were worth more and he didn't want to cheat her! Well, okay then! So I told her to look on the internet and see what they might be selling for, and she could sell them for about the same price. We've talked about selling some of his old D&D and Warhammer stuff on eBay, but we haven't gotten around to doing it yet. It might be time to try it. I just thought that was very enterprising of her!

So when everyone was gone, I broiled some salmon and made brown rice to go with it and it was a very tasty supper. Kim had some when she got home, and Rachel ate the rest after work. Rich came home full from the Blue and Gold Banquet, and he's tired of fish, anyway, so everyone was happy.

3:58 a.m. - 2006-03-16


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