monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which choristers give me nightmares.

So yesterday I slept all day, and then today I couldn't sleep at all.

Yesterday I went right to bed when I got home from work and slept until about 1. I stayed up for a couple of hours and then, knowing that I had to go with Kim to the YW conference at 7, I took a Tylenol PM so I could go back to sleep, since I wouldn't be able to sleep in the evening.

Kim woke me up in time to get a shower and go with her to the conference, which was a broadcast via satellite from SLC. OMG, I was so tired and cranky, that I just sat in my chair and knitted a sock. Kim brought a piece of cake to me (there are always refreshments) and I had a can of Diet Pepsi in my purse, so I drank that, but I still wasn't at my best and brightest.

The broadcast was okay, but can I just say that the chorister for the choir of young women was terrifying? She was leaping around with a wild look in her eyes and a MANIC grin on her face! I'm sure she was just trying to look happy and uplifted for the cameras, but she was scary! I stage-whispered to Heidi, who was near me, "She's terrifying!" and Heidi snickered, but she's the Bishop's wife, so she feels that some things are sacred, including maniacal choristers, I guess. They didn't show a close-up on her again (guess why?) until the last song, and when the camera was on her, I laughed a little, and I wasn't the only one. Actually the speakers seemed to be a little too cheery, too, but I've noticed that before with women speaking in conferences. Tone it down, ladies! And if you think I'm just being bitchy, well, when the last speaker started talking, Kim tapped my shoulder, and when I turned to look at her, she gave me a big-eyed stare just like the one on the speaker's face!

When I got home from that conference I was feeling unaccountably crabby, so I played a little bit of Animal Crossing, which is usually calming, but running errands for other animals and even fishing just didn't do it for me. I was snapping at everyone, and I'm sure they couldn't wait for me to leave for work.

I drank a lot of Diet Pepsi last night in an effort to bring myself out of the cranky mood, but all it did was keep me up this morning! I didn't want to take any drugs to help me sleep after I had been so out of it the night before, so I just rolled around, trying to get comfortable, shoving random cats off of my tangled covers. I finally fell asleep for a couple of hours, but that's not enough.

I woke up when Rich and Kim got home from church. Rich went up to take a nap, and Kim changed her clothes (surprise!) and watched cartoons for a while. She had to go back to the church later to play the harp for the receptions following the two performances of the Easter musical program. I went back to bed, and read for a while, then tried to sleep, but that didn't happen.

Kim's friend Erik was going to watch the first performance, so he came over when it was time to leave, and helped her and Rich take the seats out of the van and load up the harp, the bench, and her stuff,.

While the loading was going on, the dog sat hopefully by the door, and when they were ready to leave, I was back out of bed by then, because I get tired of being in bed and not being asleep, so I put the leash on the dog and we went out into the yard to wave goodbye.

After that I stayed up until Rachel got home from work. I gave up and took a Tylenol PM at 4. Rachel was kind enough to bring her laptop up to the bedroom and she sat on my bed, answered her emails and did her homework. She left after I fell asleep.

Woke up at 10:30 and came back to work.

What I'm knitting:

I made a dog sweater for Kat's new, tiny puppy, but it's a little bit big for him, so I started another one today. I'm using some leftever caramel-colored Cascade 220 wool and size 4 needles.

I'm halfway up the back of the charcoal Camp Jacket for Rachel. I love this pattern!

Reading - the third book of a fanfiction series in which Draco is the main character. I enjoyed the first one, but then I went on to something else until Inger said she had finished the second and third books and they were really good. She's right, they are. The first book, Draco Dormiens is here.

1:50 a.m. - 2006-03-27


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