monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


What I did when I should have been sleeping

So yesterday was a busy day. Rachel called from home at 1:30 a.m. to say that she had just realized that the paper she thought was finished, was missing a big chunk of required information, and she needed to look up about twenty meds for her patient on Friday, and study for a big test on Monday, and could I please drive her to DeKalb for her Mental Health Nursing class at 2 in the afternoon so she could study in the car? Uh, I guess so.

I knew if I could go home at 7 a.m. and go straight to bed, that I could get about 4 hours sleep and drive her to class, getting home in time to make dinner order pizza and salad for dinner for guests at 7. No problem.

Inger called in the morning before I left work, just to chat while she waited for Kate at Seminary. She says she has been become addicted to reading HP fan-fiction! It's all she does - she gets to bed late every night and reads it in every spare minute at work, because it's so much fun! Do you know how much that validates my life? Especially after this week, when on Inger's recommendation, I read the second two books of the Draco Trilogy? I loved them! I was reading them every night right up to the moment I left work in the morning, and I dreamed about the characters all day while I slept! Imagine my horror when I got to the end of book and...the last chapter was unfinished! The author just posted the first part this month, and judging by her previous updates, it should be four months, at least, before she finishes the book! Aaaugh!!

I got home from work at 7 and fell right into bed, woke up at 11:30 to get a shower and drive Rachel to school. We left a bit early to get breakfast on the road (Jr. Whopper and a Diet Pepsi, mmmmm) and also to avoid Olga, who was coming over to clean.

As we left the house, I was pulling the door shut when I had a sudden thought, and went back to get Buffy so she could potty! Rich and Kim had gone to the Field Museum in Chicago for the day - she's on Spring Break and he just wanted a break from work - so there would be no one home to take the dog out all day! Good thing I remembered!

I drove the hour and a quarter to DeKalb and we got there in plenty of time for Rachel's class, so she dropped me off at The Yarn Exchange and went on to class. Oh, the happiness! I looked at everything, fondled luscious fibers, and then I parked myself at the big table and knitted on a sock for the next 3 hours. Heaven! Except that I was parched and there wasn't a Diet Pepsi (or even a glass of water!) in sight. So it was heavenly but also a bit hellish and next time I know to BYOB.

I knitted and talked to Andrea, who works there. She was pricing some wonderful alpaca and silk yarn, and when she was done with that, she sat down with her knitting and we talked about this and that - she plays the harp and knew about a piece of music I ordered for Kim recently, for one thing. The best thing happened during the last hour that I was there - other knitters showed up with their projects and I got to see what everyone was working on! I just had the best time! By then I had made a shopping list of yarns I *needed* while talking with Andrea, so when I was almost time for Rachel to show up, I did my yarn shopping and was ready to go!

We hurried home but on the way we decided to make something fast for dinner instead of getting pizza. That meant a quick trip to the grocery store as we got back into town, which would have been fine except that I was tired and started to slip into overwhelmed!

We raced into the house and Rachel took Buffy out to pee while I started cooking in a frantic way because people were coming over to eat! In twenty minutes! But TaDa! Curried Chicken with rice cooks up quick and Rachel made the salad and Regan brought frosted cupcakes for dessert - with sprinkles. Ah, is this not happiness?

I was going to go to bed as soon as company left, since I was exhausted and yawning in their faces, but Rachel was still trying to get things done for clinicals in the morning, and she wanted company. So I sat in a chair and played Animal Crossing until I couldn't stand it anymore, and then she was done and I went to bed.

What I bought at the yarn store:

3 skeins of Decor in a dark sage for a baby Wallaby.

2 skeins of Catalina - Alpaca and silk blend - for a tank top for Kim. I want to make a v-neck tank top that is hanging up in the store but they've been a bit shifty about the pattern. Last time I was told that it was "around there somewhere" but it was not produced, and this time Andrea said it was from Chicknits, but I checked the site and couldn't find it. Maybe it's a secret? It's okay, though, because I bought a pattern for a tee shirt and I think I'll use the yarn to make that for Kim to wear with black pants when she has a harp gig. I'll need more yarn, but I can get two more skeins when I go back again. Maybe I'll call and ask them to hold it for me. Rachel can pick it up next week after class.

There was a wonderful shawl just laying folded on a shelf and last time I asked about that, too (really, there are wonderful things hanging everywhere in the shop!) but didn't get any specifics. Yesterday Rachel admired the shawl again and we got lucky! The woman who knitted it was sitting next to me! She was knitting a Circumnavigated Cardigan in a great color with some lovely wool, so you know I need to make one of those now, and I just remembered why I didn't finish the one I started a few years ago - I think it was because I hated the yarn. Anyway, she told me the name of the shawl pattern and where to buy it, and then she sent me her corrections and notes on the pattern by email! I love her! (I should have asked her about the elusive tank top!)

5:49 a.m. - 2006-03-31


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