monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Kim wore her high heels with jeans tonight to practice walking in them.

My knitting this weekend is socks for my friend Deb, who marked the hem on Kim's prom dress, and then took it home with her and hemmed it and delivered it back to me on her way out of town! How nice is that? I am so happy not to have to hem the dress myself, that I am knitting a pair of socks for her! I put aside the t-shirt for Rachel and the CB Camp Jacket, and I'm just going to do these socks. A pair of socks takes 4 days if that's all I work on, so I can finish them this weekend and give them to her on Monday.

Of course I am slowed in the making of the socks by Buffy the Bad, who ate one of my needles while I was napping before work tonight. She is a bad dog. I usually have a little zipper bag with extra needles in my work satchel, but no, I left that bag at home in the basket with the Camp Jacket. So I'm knitting the sock in the round on 3 needles instead of 4, just for tonight.

I just lazed around my house all day tonight, after a lovely night's sleep. Kim came home late from school because she gave blood at school but had to miss part of a class to do so, and then went to talk with that teacher and pick up her homework after school. She was pretty proud of herself for giving blood but said she was so nervous she was shaking when she did it!

Then her friend Sando came over and they played video games and I watched until I had to get my nap. They disappoint me by not being interested in each other romantically, which would so amuse me, but then there would eventually be heartbreak and Kim is enough of a drama queen without that.

When I woke up from my nap, Rachel said the kids had gone out to McD's together to get something to eat, but instead of sitting in the car, snogging, Kim had brought her food in and Sando took his home, and they got on their computers and played a game together while they ate! I don't even know what to say about that.

12:07 a.m. - 2006-04-08


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