monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am the cat's slave.

Is it Summer now? It's Spring, at least. It's 80 degrees outside! Beautiful! Rich pulled the plastic down from the living room windows and we opened the windows so there is a lovely breeze blowing through. Ahh.

I was going to go with Rachel to DeKalb today so I could visit the yarn shop, but then her plans changed and she needed to leave earlier, so I stayed home. I slept until 2 in the afternoon, with the ceiling fan on - so soothing. Except for the annoying yowls of a trapped cat at 10:30 in the morning!

When I go to bed in the morning, if there are cats laying on the bed, I leave my door open a bit so the cats can go out if they wake up. If there are no visible cats, I close my door with a sigh of relief and I can sleep better because my door is closed. Except that freak Zorro, who sleeps under the bookcase headboard, hidden from sight! He gets trapped in my room and when he wakes up, he yowls until I get up, cursing him, and shove him out into the hall. I can usually go back to sleep with no problem, it's just so rude of him!

One day last week I went to bed in the morning, happily with no cats in my room, and then about 11 I heard the yowling of the undead Zorro, which I tried to ignore, knowing that my bedroom door was open and he could leave, so why would he need to yowl? He kept it up and finally I rolled over and looked at the door, uh huh, still open. Patsy was laying on the bed, looking at Zorro with a mystified expression, like, "What's your problem dude? The door is open!"

Zorro saw me looking at him and yowled again, and since I needed to go to the bathroom anyway, I crawled out of bed, and he dashed ahead of me and stood at the top of the stairs, looking back over his shoulder to see if I was following him, like Lassie! I went to the bathroom and he was still standing there, waiting, when I came out, so I followed him downstairs, with him looking back over his shoulder at me, and he kept going into the living room, still checking to see if I was following. At that point I thought to myself that he must have an empty food bowl, because he does get worked up about that, thinking he Will Never Be Fed Again!

He stopped in front of the French doors between the living and dining rooms and I opened the doors, whereupon he shot ahead of me to the (cat's) bathroom, put his face in a food bowl and started gobbling kitty numnums. I looked, and both bowls were full, so WTF? On my back upstairs to bed, I remembered that in the morning when I got home from work, I shut the French doors and chuckled evilly in my head, thinking how funny it would be when Zorro couldn't open them and had to go around through the kitchen to get to his food. Ha ha..hey! Well, I guess that wasn't so funny after all. I hate him.

7:24 p.m. - 2006-04-13


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