monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Las pollitos dicen pio pio pio

It was a busy afternoon at Chez Oozaroo. I woke up around 1 and was going to go out to lunch and to do errands with RA. Kim was home early because of some big test she had to take this morning, and she was using my cell phone to call her cell phone to find it, because it was either in her car, or she left it at the restaurant where she went for lunch with Catsy.

She came back in from searching her car, called the restaurant, and yes, it was there. She was going to pick it up later, though, because she and Catsy were planning to ride their bikes to the park.

First she had to find a bike. In our garage full of junk. She dragged out a bike or two, and I told her to be sure to check for air in the tires, because you know when you take a bike out of the garage in the spring, the tires are always low. Apparently the tires were not a problem, but the chain was off. She asked if I knew how to fix it, as I was getting into the car with RA, and I said heck no! I suggested that she call Clark and see if he could fix it.

I went out and did a couple of errands and some grocery shopping, and strolled back into the house an hour later to find that Kim was gone. There was a note to say that Clark fixed her chain (yay!) and she went to the park with Catsy.

A few minutes later my phone rang and it was Kim. She was calling from Catsy's cell phone to see if I was still out with RA, because she was hoping I would go to the restaurant to get her phone! The girls were sitting in the park and waiting for their friend Rasheed to meet them there. It was a beautiful day and I didn't really mind. I turned up the music in my car and it was fun to drive around in the sunshine.

When I got back to the house with the phone, I got a call on the house phone from the missionaries - I left a message at their house yesterday to say that their (pirate) beanies were done and they could pick them up if they were in the neighborhood. They were all excited and they wanted to come over, but I was the only one home, and they couldn't come in unless a male was there, and the cats do not count.

Hmmm. I pondered that for a minute, because it wasn't time for Rich to come home and I never know what time he's going to get home anyway, and I knew that Clark, who lives right around the corner was gone helping his grandma move into a condo because he had left a message asking if we had a dolly. (We do, but it's for moving Kim's harp, not a washer!) Then I had a stroke of genius! Rasheed! He was at the park with Kim and Catsy! He knows the missionaries because they've been teaching him! I had Kim's cell phone, with his number conveniently stored in memory, which I had considerately picked up from the restaurant!

I called Rasheed, explained the situation and told him I would give him a Mountain Dew if he would come over and sit with us for a few minutes, and he agreed.

The two elders showed up just a minute or two before Rasheed, so we stood on the steps and talked until he got to our house. I made him a soda and gave him the extra beanie, too. He's really a nice, polite kid. Kim got home on her bike a few minutes later, and then Catsy called from her house to talk to Rasheed on his cell. The elders went into the den to email home, and I started making dinner. Very cosy.

The elders left, but Rasheed stayed to coach Kim at Evil Empire Fire Emblem, a game that she is spending a lot of time playing. Apparently it's Rasheed's favorite game.

I made Horrible Salad, sliced some Italian Peasant Bread, and had dinner just about ready by the time the sister missionaries showed up for dinner. Whew, I'm exhausted! Kim and Rasheed played while they ate, and I made a joke about them eating in the living room like savages (actually it's what we all do every night except when there's company), and he said usually he eats in his bedroom, so I guess this was a step up for him!

Rachel called home later and asked us to bring her something to eat at work, so Rich and I took a ride over to the store to deliver dinner to her, and after that I went to bed for a nap! After tonight I have three days off!!

What I'm knitting tonight:

I brought yarn, needles and a pattern to start a shawl. I ordered the pattern on the internets and one of the knitters from the yarn shop in Dekalb sent an email of her notes on making the shawl, too, so I should be able to get through it. I hope I'll be going to that yarn shop tomorrow, and maybe I'll have some nice shawl knitting to show off!

11:05 p.m. - 2006-04-26


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