monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The power of Hoodoo. Do what?

So last night I was sitting at work, knitting on the beautiful little bag I'm making for Sarah to carry in her wedding, when I realized that tomorrow is Wednesday and I have not packed and am not ready in any way to make the trip! That was when I started to freak out.

You see, I have not done one thing to get ready, because in order to avoid my usual Travel Anxiety, I refused to think about the traveling at all. I knew it was coming up, but I was just not thinking about it, except in a vague and generally expectant way, as something far off in the future that I do not have to worry about right now, like the Second Coming.

When I got home in the morning, I started Doing Things, like making a list of what to pack, and planning what knitting to take with me. Rachel woke up while I was still doing my morning things, the things I do before I go to bed, like check email and brush teeth, and when I told her that we were leaving tomorrow, she said she thought that we were leaving on Thursday and she was scheduled to work on Wednesday.!

Thus began the preparations. Rachel went out to do some errands and planned to stop at work and change her schedule, and I went to bed. I woke up about noon, which is not enough sleep, and went out to lunch with RA, and after lunch we shopped for knitting needles but I couldn't find what I wanted, and somewhere along the line we decided to look at my airline flight schedule so we went back to my house and she came in with me and thank goodness she did, because I needed her to hold my hand while I fell apart!

You see, part of the denial that is necessary for the avoidance of Travel Anxiety is that I did not open the FedEx envelope containing what Sarah referred to as my flight vouchers, or maybe she just said vouchers and I assumed it was my airline tickets! Well, when I opened that envelope today, it turns out that it contains vouchers for shuttles to and from the airport in Cancun to the resort, and vouchers for the hotel room and something else, I forget what, but the email airline tickets were something else that was in my email inbox. And the vouchers? They had a little note on them that said if I wanted to use them, I needed to call a number IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIPT! Which was like, a month ago!

So RA was a calming influence while I called the number and arranged our seats on the shuttle, and then she suggested that instead of driving to O'Hare in the morning traffic, that we should park our car in Rockford (cheaper!) and take the bus to the airport! That was a brilliant plan, and I bought bus tickets over the internet and printed our e-tickets for our flights, and then everything was good and I took a Xanax and relaxed.

And was unable to get a proper nap for the rest of the day, although I was calmer than anything, thanks Xanax! So I will be able to sleep on the plane tomorrow, and that is a good thing.


In other news, Scott was a little concerned last night when I talked to him, because he had just realized that Carolyn had, in a spirit of Sisterly Love, sent wedding invitations to all of the sisters in their ward Relief Society because she is in the presidency and is full of love for them all, not even thinking about how Scott used to have a reputation as a Dangerous Womanizer and has dated some of them, and now he is a little concerned that they will all be at his wedding reception, throwing voodoo curses at him.

I told him about the beautiful little bag that I'm knitting, and said that I wished I could make one for Carolyn, too, but he reminded me (again!) that I am not to knit one thing, not even cast on one single stitch for her until after they are married, because he knows about the Knitting Curse and he says he doesn't want any of my knitting hoobujeebies to fall on them. He cracks me up.

I'm going to finish the little bag for Sarah now. I'll report on the wedding when I get back.

11:37 p.m. - 2006-05-16


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