monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Day one of the trip to Mexico.

We left for Mexico at 6 a.m. on Wednesday. Rachel picked me up at work (I got off work early) and we had packed the night before, so we were ready to go. When I got out to the car, I saw she had brought a couple of cans of Diet Pepsi, a bottle of water, and a can of grape soda, and an apple. She had just shoved it all into a plastic produce bag (very thin) and the bag was falling apart by the time we checked in at the airport, so when we bought some magazines to read on the trip, the girl at the newstand kindly gave us another bag for our cans. I sipped at the bottle of water all day as we traveled, and when we finally got to our hotel room at the resort, we put the Diet Pepsis in the fridge. We had to throw the apple out at customs, because you can't bring produce into the country.

The flights down there went well, no problems, and I was barely nervous because I had some Xanax and I took a half of one every 4 hours. Rachel had brought a book to read, and I had an Agatha Christie in my purse. So I read that on the first plane and they showed a movie on the second one, so we were entertained and no one (me) panicked.

We were picked up by a shuttle when we got to the the airport in Mexico and when we checked in at the resort, the desk clerk gave us an envelope from Sarah. She had written the daily wedding-related activities on a card for us, and the activity for that day was dinner with Sarah and Chris and two other couples at a very nice restaurant. The bellboy drove us to our room in a golf cart, and on the way, he gave us a little tour of the complex, and showed us where the restaurant was for dinner.

Our room was beautiful and smelled like cinnamon! It was about 6 or so when we got to our room, so we put things away and freshened up and it was time to go to the restaurant. Dinner was beautiful - the food was fantastic, Sarah's friends were a lot of fun, and we just really enjoyed ourselves! The air conditioning was turned up pretty high, so one of the girls with us was freezing, but oh well, skinny people are always cold. Also, there were musicians there, playing too loud, but after a while they stopped, thank goodness.

We found a welcome package from Sarah and Chris in our room when we got back from dinner, containing a big sombrero and a maraca, and also some thoughtful necessities like Advil, sunblock, body lotion and packages of snacks. All the things you wish you had when you're away from home, but you forget to pack them. We were especially happy to get the sunblock!

We were so tired when we got back to our room, from traveling all day, so we were glad to get in bed and read quietly for a while, and then we went to sleep. Which was fine until I woke up in the middle of the night with cramps in both of my calves and they wouldn't go away! I jumped out of bed screaming which woke up Rachel! When they finally eased, we went right back to sleep because we were so tired. The next day Rachel gave me a zinc lozenge to suck on because she says leg cramps are from a need for zinc (not from sitting on planes and walking long distances in airports for half a day??). I sucked on it but OMG people, zinc tastes like ass, and makes your Diet Coke taste bad, too!

8:29 p.m. - 2006-05-21


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