monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me.

Look, I figured out how to post a picture! The problem I was having before was that the image quality was too high and used too much blahblahblah and now I'm taking pictures at a lower quality (but they still look good, just like my FIL said they would), and they don't use as much whatever, so they aren't too big to upload! Yay! Now if I can just figure out how to make the pictures a bit smaller, that would be good. I'm happy to be able to post pictures; now I can show pictures of my knitting!

Kim's friend Anita gave Kim some fancy eyeliner at school the other day. I asked Kim how long she walked around like that, and she said just for the afternoon. Nice.

Had two days off and I'm glad to be back at work. The house was depressing me, Rachel has been too sick to do anything and now she is out of town (to visit Biscuits) and there has just been nothing to do. Oh, except call Diana ten times a day, and thank goodness she took a few days off of work so she's been home and available to keep me company!

I did do a few things to clean up the house today. I'm sure this is obvious to most people, but I just figured it out. If you want to change something, you should get up and do it, and not just sit in a chair and knit, wishing that someone would change it for you and getting annoyed when no one does!

So, having learned that I need to do something myself if I want it done (and who knows how that may change my entire life?), I got out of my chair and moved a couple of boxes today! Woot! They were boxes of books that Rachel was cataloging two weeks ago, that she finished entering into the spreadsheet and then abandoned! One box was up in my room, one box was in the den, and there was a big pile of books she left just sitting in the den next to Kim's desk.

So I was just proactive as heck, and I carried the biggest box out to the garage, dropping it in the driveway and spilling part of the contents, but I picked them up, shoved them back in the box, and slid it on the pavement the rest of the way to the garage. Hey, I'm proactive, but I'm not Superman. It was heavy! I got the second box out there, too, whew! Then there were two boxes of my mom's stuff that Rachel brought upstairs for me to search through for pictures, and I took those boxes back to the basement! After that I carried a laundry basket full of clothes out to my car to drop off at Goodwill next week.

That was the end of my activity for today, but my next plan is to clean out the hall closet, where we have many old coats and pairs of boots, to make room for all the golf bags and clubs, because I'm a bit tired of having them all in the corner of the living room.

It's been humid and looking like rain all day, and when Kim and I went out to walk we were about a half mile from home when we heard the weather siren! I told her we needed to head back to the house, but she said she didn't see anything to worry about and thought we should keep walking. I said that I don't want to wait until I see a tornado before I try to get home! As we walked back, she pointed out that if we saw a tornado, we could lay in a ditch, as if there are any ditches in the middle of town, where we live! I guess we could lay down in a gutter...

5:35 p.m. - 2006-05-27


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