monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I do not perform surgery.

You know how Diana says I'm not a doctor, I just play one on TV? Well tonight I diagnosed Rachel's inflamed cyst and offered to lance it so it could drain because it was obviously infected, but instead, she chose to go to the Emergency Room, where you have to pay a stranger to diagnose your cyst and lance it. I would have done it for free!

When we got home from Mexico, Rachel complained that the cyst on her shoulder, near her neck, was hurting, most likely from shlepping bags through miles of airports. She was coming down with a cold too, which she claimed was the Hanta Virus, as I've mentioned before, and she felt so terrible that she went to see the doctor at Student Health. The doctor said she had a viral infection, and there's no drug to fix that, you just have to wait for it to clear up, and Rachel showed the doctor her painful cyst, too. The doctor agreed that it was irritated and said not to carry big bags on that shoulder anymore.

A week later, when she went back to Student Health with an ear infection, she was given antibiotics, but she didn't mention the cyst again, although it was still bothering her.

She's been taking the antibiotics, so the ear pain is gone, but the cyst has been hurting a lot, and tonight she showed it to me, and yes, that looked infected to me! She starts orientation for her new job tomorrow and she'll be tied up with that every day from 8 to 5 all week, so there is no time to go to the Student Health again, and since she was leery of letting me lance it for her, we went to the ER, where I chatted with my friend Marilyn in Registration, and luckily there was only one other patient, so we were taken right in to see the doctor, who drained that cyst because it was infected. Hah! I was right, but at the hospital she got a (painful) shot of painkiller, so the draining didn't hurt (much). She's already on antibiotics, so he didn't give her a prescription.

So she took my car and went home and I came downstairs to work. She's going to come back for me in the morning, and we'll have breakfast in the cafeteria and then she can start her orientation and I can go home to bed.

knitting news:

I ripped out the wrap tank top last night and cast on for a simple knit t-shirt. I might knit the Chinese symbol for love into the front of it. Or not. The pattern is called Nothing But a Shirt and it's a free pattern at I'm making it with the lavender Cotton Fleece.


Last night I was reading one that was pretty good called Song of Time, but it ended after eight chapters. The last chapter was written in 2001, so it doesn't look like it will ever be finished. I just finished a trilogy by Barb, that started with HP and the Psychic Serpent. It was readable, although I was a little tired of it by the end. Ron became a werewolf in the story, which was an interesting and original idea. Really, I am impressed by many of the fanfiction stories I read because they are so creative! Sometimes the writing isn't very good, or the author runs out of steam and never finishes, but they really have some amazing ideas. When I find a story that is well written, innovative and has an ending, well, that's a huge treat!

What I'm watching:

I have two movies from Netflix to watch, and Kim borrowed a DVD of Serenity from a friend, so I've got things to watch, I just need to sit down and watch them. I could use the movie-watching time to get some of these knitting projects done!!

Scott has updated, go read it here.

11:07 p.m. - 2006-06-04


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