monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


You said balls! Heh.

So yesterday I had a meltdown when I woke up - yes, first thing in the morning - because the damn dog peed on the floor again! She gets 5 walks a day, and she still pees on the floor. I hate her. So Rachel spent several hours pulling up the carpet in the dining room, where the cats pee, and next we're tearing out the living room carpet, where the dog pees! It's so nasty I can't stand it! I am paying Rachel 50 dollars to pull up the carpets, and she did one room today, but then we needed to go out to the golf course to watch Kim play the last couple of holes in her tournament.

When we got there, the girls were on the 12th hole, so we joined them - Rich pulled Kim's bag (on her little pull cart), I gave her a Mountain Dew, and Rachel told Catsy she would be her caddy, so she carried Catsy's bag.

They golf in a foursome, so there were two other girls with them, from another school, and one of them had her father along - he was driving a golf cart with her clubs and a cooler with cold drinks on ice! The other girl was a friend of hers, and she had to carry her own bag, but she did very well in spite of it.

That dad invited me to ride the cart with him, thank goodness, so I rode along with him and it was fun. He helped all the girls find lost balls, fish balls out of the creek, watch to see where they landed, etc, and he kept their score card. He was a nice guy.

Catsy won in their age group, she shot a 90, but none of them did very well, they were just having one of those days. Another girl in the next lower age group, also from another town, shot 84, and Catsy says her dad always compares her to that girl. Actually, Catsy's dad is a bit of a Golf Nazi, it sounds like. Anyway, Catsy got a trophy.

There is a tournament in another town in a couple of weeks, but I don't think I'll try to get Kim to do that again. It was hard on her, because it was 18 holes, took 5 and half hours, and she was frustrated with her play. She can practice with Catsy every day, and also they'll be practicing twice a week with the team, and if she doesn't want to do another tournament, that's fine.

And our dining room floor looks good! Rachel is planning to work on the living room tomorrow.

Also I thought this was funny - when Kim was getting ready to go, she asked Rachel to mark some balls for her, so Rachel put Kim's initials on them and drew a heart around it. When the tournament official was explaining things to the girls at the first tee, he told them to tell each other what kind of balls they used, and if they were marked, so they would know whose ball was whose, and Caitlin said she has little Bug stickers on her balls, and then Kim said hers have hearts on them, and the official laughed and said girls mark their balls a lot different than the boys do.

4:23 p.m. - 2006-07-08


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