monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I find that other people's lives are duller than my own.

RA finally got home from her trip out of town to visit her sister, so we went out to do errands together. Just the usual, get a Diet Pepsi, go to the Post Office, stop at the grocery store, and then home. It doesn't sound like much, but I am easily amused.

Since RA has been gone, I have fortunately had Rachel to do errands with, and yesterday we made a list of things we needed to do, and then we did all of them, including a stop at the library! I haven't been there since the mean librarian was mean to me last time, and Rachel has a bit of a grudge against them, too, but we wanted some books to read!

We went to look for a specific book that Rachel wanted and while she was looking for it, I found a bunch of new mysteries to check out. Rachel came back with the book and told me there was an Adult Summer Reading Program going on, and she thought we should sign up so we could win prizes!

So now I am enrolled in a summer reading program and I have books to read and when I finish them and give the titles of the books I have read to the librarian, apparently I get chocolates from a treasure chest, so cool!

Tonight was the Relief Society Progressive Picnic at the church building, and I had no plans whatsoever to attend, but then Kim said she had been asked to say a few words about the Young Women's program, so I went with her to be kind and supportive. Luckily, Kim's part was right at the beginning, so we left when she was done.

Before the dinner started, I talked to a couple of people and I think there are a few women in our ward who need some activities that aren't boring - something worth leaving the house for! So I think I'm going to make an effort to read the book of the month for the book club, and invite other people to read it and then we can meet at my house and eat snacks and talk about the book.

After the month when we were supposed to read a Dean Koontz book and no one did it, well, the book club hasn't met again! The next book on the list is Mrs Mike, and since there is no murder in it, I am not as interested in reading it as I could be, but Heidi is enthusiastic about it, and I bought a large-print edition from Amazon, used, so I am going to read it, just to have a reason to get the book club together.

I was thinking of having movie night once a month, too. Just something fun so that people who need to get out of the house, can get out, and have time to socialize! We all see each other at church, but there is no time to just eat cookies and talk!

12:36 a.m. - 2006-07-12


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