monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Watch me sweat.

Okay, I'm going to try to get back into the habit of updating more often. I think some other people need to do the same (you know who you are, so don't make me name names!) so that I'll have something to read when I go to work at night!

Not much is going on here, which is one reason that I haven't updated, but hey, just because nothing interesting is going on doesn't mean I can't write!

It's hotter than anything here, or at least it feels like I'm in hell, because the humidity is so high! Kim and I took Buffy for a walk around the neighborhood last night because Rich was gone and when we got home we collapsed on the bed in my room and we were dripping with sweat! The mattress is turned down to its summer temperature, and the ceiling fan was going, so we cooled off and then I knitted on a sock for RA while Kim played a video game to entertain me.

What I'm knitting now:

The sock for RA, which started as a lacy leaf design, but then I made a mistake, and I tried to fix it by just dropping down a row and knitting it back up, and that made it worse-looking, so I gave up, ripped it out and started over in the plain 3x1 rib that I love. It makes a good stretchy sock that fits anyone's ankles, or cankles, whichever a person might have.

I'm making the Spanish Christening Shawl from the Folk Shawls book, with no particular baby in mind, just because I thought it was pretty and not too difficult. It's coming along slowly and it's my living room knitting, in the basket by my chair.

My bedroom knitting is the fingerless cabled glove pattern the new Knitty, and I'm almost done with the first one. It's a simple pattern that is a fast knit and I'm making it with some yarn that I bought at Joann Fabrics because I liked the feel of it. It's a weird color, though, it's the color of plastic that glows in the dark, kind of an odd yellow. It doesn't glow in the dark, it just looks like it should.

What I'm reading:

I just finished Mrs. Mike, which was our book club assignment this month, and it almost killed me! I wasn't going to read it, but Heidi asked if I'd read it yet, and said she had just finished it and wanted to talk about it, because she read it years ago and had different feelings about it now that she is a parent. That should have been a warning to me right there, but no, I went ahead and read it, and it was fascinating, but horrible! It's a story about a young girl who married a mounty and moved to Canada around the turn of the century when it was all primitive up there. They were living close to nature and all, and people were dying left, right, and center, including their children, so it was just too awful for me! Yeah, it's a classic saga of love and courage in the Canadian wilderness, and also an unforgettable read, as it says on the dust cover, but I would like to forget it.

What I'm watching:

No movies, just watching Kim play Harvest Moon 64. I wish she would play Animal Crossing to entertain me, but I have to play that one myself, and I can't knit and play at the same time, which is why the baby shawl is moving along so slowly.

I'm going to sit in the living room and read for a while where it's cooler!

11:53 a.m. - 2006-07-14


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