monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The long weekend.

What I'm knitting:

  • Self-striping socks for a friend.
  • Blue socks for RA that were supposed to be knit in a lacy leaf pattern but it was making me crazy, so I ripped it out and started over in an easy 3x1 rib.
  • Chicknits Cami for Kim in lavender Cotton Fleece. Am stalled in the middle of the waist shaping. Will I ever finish it? I can't make any promises.
  • Spanish Christening shawl, stalled and resting in a basket in the living room.
  • Have promised Rachel more white socks to wear with nursing uniform, but have to finish the self-striping socks first.

What I'm reading:

  • Just finished The Sittaford Mystery. I had to dig through the box of Agatha Christie books and find it to read because I watched the Mystery! version of the story on PBS and it didn't seem at all familiar. I couldn't remember the story, but I knew that I liked it, and the TV version was a chopped up mess, so I wanted to read it again and see what had been changed. I read it last night at work and it was a completely different book! On Mystery! it was presented as a mystery that was solved by Miss Marple, and the book doesn't even have Miss Marple in it! Also, the murderer was different, in fact, the whole story was a completely different story, and it was terrible! Only the name of the book and the names of a couple of the characters were the same. The book is good, but don't bother to watch the TV show.

  • Another book I read recently was called Holmes on the Range, and it was very good. It takes place in the 1800s when Sherlock Holmes stories were being serialized in the newspapers and magazines, and two cowboy brothers have been reading them and try to solve a murder using Holmes' methods. The characters were pleasing and well-written and the story was very enjoyable. I went to the library with Rachel against my better judgement, but the experience wasn't bad, and the books I got were mostly readable.

I have some HP fan-fiction to catch up on now, though. I've been reading real books for the last couple of weeks, and Inger sent me several links to HP stories to read.

What I've been watching:

The Big Lebowski - very funny and I've tried to rent it a few times but Rachel always said it was awful. The other day I saw a short version of the movie on YouTube, and it made me laugh - it was just all the times the characters said "fucking" strung together and it was hilarious - so I rented it and we watched it on Friday night with her friend Kat. Well, I thought it was funny.

Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing and Charm School - Loved it! I rented it because it was full of people that I like to watch, and everyone at my house liked it, even Rich, who wandered by and got sucked in and watched it with us.

Also rented Elizabethtown and Everything is Illuminated, but haven't watched them yet. I got Elizabethtown because of the suicide attempt in the beginning - Kim was asking how a person could commit suicide in an interesting way (!) for a story she is writing, and I told her about that one, then I rented the movie for her to watch because I thought she'd like it, and she likes Orlando Bloom. I got Everything is Illuminated, too, but I don't know why, except that I thought Kim would like to see Frodo in something else, but I suspect that she will be bored with it.

Also, we had a Digital Preview weekend, in which our cable company gave us BBC America for three days, and we watched back to back episodes of The Avengers, which was a lot of fun. I had never actually seen that show, but it's one Rich has fond memories of watching, so we wasted most of Saturday sitting in the living room watching it. Hey, shared experiences bring a couple closer together!

11:29 p.m. - 2006-07-24


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