monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too?

Have I ever mentioned that we got a new Pepsi machine in the hall outside of my office? It replaced the exciting magic Pepsi machine and has cool moving parts - an elevator to go up and get your soda and bring it down and over to the little door that rotates open so you can grab your bottle! So it was cool and fun to watch when it was new a couple of months ago and now tonight I came to work and danced over to the machine to get a cold drink and damn, the elevator is stuck in mid-air, with a Diet Pepsi poised in its grip! And the machine keeps emitting a growling noise, like it wants to deliver that soda to the little revolving door, but it can't! It's stuck!

So I sighed and turned to the Coke machine, resigned that I would have to drink a Diet Coke, which tastes like refridgerated shoe polish in a bottle, and damn! The Coke machine wouldn't take my dollar! It teased me, though, by taking it halfway in, and then rolling it back out, and I played with it a few times, but hey, I have a job and I can't stand out here in the hall all night, I have to go to my cool office, where the miserable sweat of the hot hot day can evaporate in the corporate coolness and I can lean back in my chair and drink a soda while I knit and read some Harry Potter fanfiction, and maybe answer a couple of phone calls if I feel like it, so I pulled the dollar out of the (damned) Coke machine and oh man, I had only one choice left. Diet Dr. Pepper. That is my last acceptable option, because it is too sweet with an unidentifiable fruitiness, so fine, I just had to buy it and now I am in the coolness with my knitting and life is better than it was at my house where it is so hot the animals are all laying on the cool tile floors in the hallway and in the upstairs bathroom, panting and praying for death.

11:18 p.m. - 2006-08-01


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