monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Midnight at the oasis.

I was feeling kind of anxious when I came in to work today. Last night wasn't one of the best nights of my life, although it certainly wasn't the worst, but when I got home this morning I was fuming about several things:

  • The email from my department director that was scolding everyone in the department for not contributing to the annual internal fund-raiser, to which I usually give a small (very small) contribution, but since I am feeling stingy this year, I didn't, and now he is fussing at us about it (because it makes him look bad, I suppose) and he's making it clear that he considers it to be compulsory giving, and not voluntary, as was previously believed. So I'm going to give one of my Flex Time Off days, that accrue like crazy and I never ever use all of them, and there is a limit to how much you can accrue, so if you don't use them, you lose them. I'm going to give them one of those "vacation" days, because that is one of the options we have, and then the money will come out of my employer's pocket instead of my own, because that is a day of vacation they would not otherwise be paying me for taking. Hah!

  • The young man who took over the job of giving the night operators their bathroom breaks was mad last night because Barb, the day operator, had brought in some cake on the day shift and also some balloons, because it is our director's birthday (as if I care) and she didn't leave him (the young man) a piece of cake. It's her famous HoHo Cake, and it is truly fabulous. She left a piece of it here for me (I assume) and I ate it joyfully. So the boy, and we will call him Pedro, was pissed off because he didn't get any cake! His revenge was not to answer when I paged him for a break. When he didn't come down here the first time I asked him, I just switched the phones over to the mobile phone and then took it with me to the ladies room (of course there were no calls, because it's 2 in the morning!). The second time, two hours later, I not only needed a bathroom break, but I needed to go to the server room to change three sets of backup tapes, so I paged him three times at 10 minute intervals and finally when I started calling around to the floors to find him, Missy in Admitting said she had his cell phone number (she's everybody's girl) so she sent him a text message to tell him to give me a break. He showed up then, and claimed the pager didn't go off, but I tried it again and it worked fine. Missy told me later that she thought he was just mad about the cake, so I think he probably said something to her to that effect. The little bastard. I just hope he doesn't expect me to put through any of his personal calls! "Oh, I guess the pager didn't work again!"

  • Then there was some frantic employee who called the help desk early this morning and needed someone to come to her department immediately to fix a mistake she'd made. The help desk is forwarded to me at night, so I paged the on-call person, and he said someone would be here in about 15 minutes, so I relayed that back to the one who needed help, but that wasn't good enough, and she had to continue to fuss about it, as if I could change that situation.

I was thinking about all of that when I came to work tonight, but now I'm just sitting here, happy to be in my quiet, cool office, instead of home looking at the carpet that needs to be vacuumed (if only some of our animals would pull their own weight around the house!), and I can just put all of yesterday's problems behind me and knit, read a library book, and take it easy.

Got an email from Rachel in Egypt - things are going well and so far she has not been kidnapped by camel-trading gypsies. Whew!

12:01 a.m. - 2006-08-09


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