monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I was busy, but soooo tired!

It's been a long day but I got a lot of things done! I went right to bed when I got home from work but even though I was tired I had a hard time falling asleep. Then the phone rang and it was Kim, calling to say that she had torn one of her contacts, and could I give a replacement to the bishop, who was going to be driving to camp in the evening? She said she has her glasses with her, but that they are an old prescription (and I think we need to look into that, because I thought they were only a year old, but she has been complaining about them, so maybe she does need a new pair) and she can't see well with them. I told her I would try to get a lens to the bishop, and then reminded her that she will be home on Friday, so it won't kill her to wear her glasses until then. She said no, she isn't going to be home until Saturday, so that means she is going to miss another golf practice this week, but oh well, it's not like she's the most important player on the team anyway.

I asked her how camp was going other than that, and she said it was hell! So I asked what was wrong and she said that some things were good, but that mostly it's hell. Apparently it's been raining, but it rains every year, so that can't be the whole problem, but she didn't have a great connection. They aren't supposed to take cell phones to camp, but I told her to take it in case of an emergency, so she was hiding in the ladies toilet in the mess hall to call me. So she's having a rough time - first a nasty tent full of bugs and now a torn contact. She's probably missing her computer, too.

So I got up and called the bishop but there was no one at his house, and then I emailed him at work, and told him the problem and asked him if he could take her contact to camp. I went back to bed after that and then he called to say he would pick up the contact around noon.

Then because I was feeling stressed, I called my friend Shelley, and talked to her and she made me feel a little more in control of things, and we planned Scott's reception over the phone, and I think I can do it. I need to work on invitations this week - I wish Rachel was here, she's good at that!

Well I needed to stay up then, because I needed to be up to give the bish the contact and it was already 10 a.m. I called RA and we went out to brunch and then stopped at the school to register Kim, so we got that done!

When I got home, I had a call from someone at the hospital in Chicago where we have an appt in two weeks to talk about surgery for Kim's jaw, and she had some questions about our insurance. It looks like I didn't go about getting a referral the right way, so it was a good thing she called, and I had to call and talk to someone at the health insurance office about that. It turns out that our insurance will not pay for that surgery at all, which is a relief in my opinion, because I was very scared about doing it anyway. I'm going to talk to Kim about it when she gets home, and I think we'll go ahead and do the braces to move her bottom teeth back. The orthodontist said it was an alternative to the surgery, and I think it's less drastic and less painful and it will be fine.

The bishop showed up and took the lens, and I went to bed again, this time feeling very tired! When I woke up again it was 6 p.m. and Rich wasn't home. It didn't look like he'd been home yet from work, but I wasn't sure. I wanted to take a walk, and I had the brilliant idea of calling Regan to see if she wanted to walk! She came right over so fast! I had just gotten dressed and there she was! We took Buffy with us, since she was dancing around like she needed to go out, and walked around the neighborhood.

When we got back, Rich was home. He said as soon as he came home from work, he'd gotten a call to go out and fix something, so he hadn't eaten or walked the dog. No wonder she needed to go out!

Of course, after I slept all afternoon, I'm wide awake now. I took a Tylenol PM and I'm going to read until I get sleepy again. I need to be up tomorrow to go to a dentist appointment. Oh, the excitement!

11:44 p.m. - 2006-08-10


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