monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I fall in love with a former Hobbit.

I was so sleepy at 5:30 this evening that I went to bed for a nap, and Kim was all ragged out from camp, so she took a nap, too, and neither of us woke up until after 10. I had been having a dream in which I was in love with a certain young celebrity, and I was so happy and then I woke up and it was quite a letdown to find myself in my own bedroom, where the floor severely needs to be vacuumed, and I went downstairs and kissed Rich on the head and told him about my dream of being in love, and when I told him who I was in love with in my dream, he laughed and Kim shrieked, because apparently she felt that it was wrong for me to steal her imaginary boyfriend, even in a dream.

I was groggy and still so tired, and I managed to drag myself to work, not even bothering to change out of the old black t-shirt with a tiny hole over the left breast, so now that I'm a little more awake, I'm embarrassed to be wearing it at work, and I put on a cardigan that always hangs on a hook behind the door of my office.

So I have been sitting here, practically falling asleep over my knitting, and I finally went out in the hall and got a Diet Coke out of the machine to wake me up a little. The macines are always out of Diet Pepsi by Sunday night, in fact, they are often out of Diet Pepsi by the time I get here on Friday night and you can imagine my irritation.

I'm feeling better now, more awake and able to stay awake while I knit and read, and even write a journal entry about nothing! Because nothing is going on at my house, and I don't expect anything to happen this week, with Rachel still gone to Egypt and RA is out of town now, too.

I did get some yarn and three new patterns in the mail, so I'm going to do a swatch for the Telemark sweater that I know I've mentioned before. So I'm kind of excited about that.

Otherwise, a long boring week stretches ahead of me. With another three-day weekend at the end of it. Oh, but Rachel will be home on the weekend, arriving Saturday night, and for big fun, Rich and I can go to Chicago to pick up her and Kat from the airport. That does kind of sound like fun, actually!

I went to church today and when I got home, I had an email from Rachel, urging me to help track down Kat's luggage, which was missing when the girls had their first layover in NY, and reporting it caused them to be late for their flight to Egypt, so they went by another flight that stopped in Paris, and the bag never caught up to them. Besides that email, she had left a phone message on my cell phone, so I called her in Egypt (!) and she gave me some information to try to track down Kat's suitcase, but I spent about an hour on hold with Delta and AirFrance, and let me just say that AirFrance had the worst hold music in the world, and when I finally talked to someone he was not helpful at all, no surprise there. Delta was no better, they didn't have hold music, and no one ever answered the phone at all.

I wrote an email to Rachel and told her to stop wasting money on phone calls to the airlines, and to try to find the luggage when they get back, since she told me they aren't sure the bag ever left Chicago. I told her that Kat can wear the same clothes every day and wash her undies out at night, because they are on a tour and they won't be seeing the same people every day! No one will know she is wearing the same outfit every day! Anyway, I know Kat has bought some clothes since they got there because they said so. I told them to keep the reciepts for the clothes she buys, so Kat can get reimbursed later when she makes a claim for the lost bag, but I have no hope of those two ditzes holding on to the reciepts since they've managed to lose the luggage claim tag already, which is one of the reasons they're having a hard time finding the bag.

They're having fun on the tour, though, and taking a lot of pictures, which is great if they can manage to not lose the camera.

3:17 a.m. - 2006-08-14


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