monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which my voice is so loud in my own head that I can't hear what other people are talking about!

RA was driving to Rockford today to take a couple of kids to a Seminary presidency meeting, one of whom was Kim, so I offered to go with her to keep her company on the drive home. We planned to make a stop at Old N@vy to buy some jeans for Kim while we were in town, and once we were in the store, I don't know what happened, it was the cuteness of the new longer tops and then there were the jeans, and I found a pair of shorts for $1.97 on a sale rack, and well, it was all a blur but Kim has a lot of new clothes now. I accidently bought a size extra small top when I meant to get a small, so I will have to take it back and exchange it, since it makes her a bit too boobalicious, but whooo! it was fun!

Rachel has been at a gaming and anime convention for the last two days and is on her way home (to her apartment at school) tonight with fun things she bought, so she is happy, too. Kim was annoyed because she couldn't go, but she had other things going on this weekend. Apparently there is another (geek) convention in a couple of weeks in another town, so Rachel said she would take Kim and possibly Catsy to that one.

Tomorrow is the first rehearsal of the YSO (Youth Symphony Orchestra) that Kim is in, and there is a parent meeting and a potluck dinner, to which I have been assigned a main dish to bring. Now I just have to figure out what to take that can be served cold, since the dinner is a picnic and there probably won't be warming facilities. RA suggested that we stop and pick up some chicken from KFC on the way there, and that is sounding better and better the more I think about it.

Oh, and I talked to my brother on the phone tonight, the brother who never updates his sorry-ass journal, so that I had to call him to get an update on his life. He was reading HP fanfiction, which validates my life, since I read so much of it myself, and so does Inger! Some members of my family make fun of it, but they are just wrong. I was happily grilling Dennis about his family and his job when I suddenly realized that it was time to leave for work, so I had to run and possibly as I was saying goodbye and promising to call again, my brother may have said that his wife says hi, but I didn't translate that murmer in my head until after I hung up, so if Kathy says hi, well hi back, and if you were merely saying bye, well, say hello to Kathy for me. Heh.

And look! I updated again, so now it's time for some other people to write in their journals, and you know who you are, y'all!

11:27 p.m. - 2006-09-09


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