monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


You know you wish you were me.

Yesterday was my day off, and I spent most of it riding around in the car with RA. We went out to find the elusive apple orchard, and did the same thing we did last year - drove around, thinking we knew where it was, but we were wrong, and lost and drove through an area of country of run-down farms -we called it The Holler - and finally turned around to go home, and found the apple orchard on the way back. This time we are going to remember where it is!

I tried to nap after that, but it was interrupted by the neighbor mowing, and by the Schwan's man coming to the door.

When I gave up and got out of bed, it was time to walk the dog. Rich was in Chicago all day, so it was my job to walk the dog. When I took her out, she was okay until we got to the front sidewalk, and then she turned to watch a car, hoping it was her Daddy coming home, and I had to tug her along to finish the walk. She wasn't happy.

Kim was playing golf at an away meet, and Rich wasn't back from Chicago, so I went out with RA again. Rachel had a meeting in Rockford, and we needed to go to Old N@vy again to exchange a shirt I bought in the wrong size, so we told Rachel we would meet up with her after her meeting. We had fun shopping and then headed back home, but we were both so tired, we just kept talking about how good our beds would feel.

I went to bed early, but woke up at 4 a.m., and couldn't go back to sleep. Then a weird thing happened - Kim's friend Clark, who is going to college in Phoenix now, called at 4:30! He apologized for waking me up, and said he just wanted to leave a message to let Kim know he is going to call today. How weird is that? I asked him why he was still up, since it was 2:30 in Phoenix, and he said he was fine, he was just going to call Kim tomorrow. I hope he is alright. I asked if he was worried about anything, but he said no. Well, I can't make everyone confide in me, no matter how much I would like to, so I just hope he does call Kim later today.

I have knitting to do, so I am planning to just hang around here and watch TV and knit today. I haven't cooked dinner since Tuesday, so I'm planning to do that tonight. Sounds like a big fun day, doesn't it?

6:12 a.m. - 2006-09-15


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