monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am hatin'.

Have I mentioned how annoying my big fat lump of a useless dog is? That damned dog! I wanted to go for a walk tonight, and I have been walking by myself quite a bit lately, but it was getting late and looking darkish, so I decided to take the dog for protection. Hah! That dog would be no protection in an emergency, I'm sure, so it's a good thing I have a cell phone to call for help!

I didn't force the dog to walk with me, she was dancing all around and breathing on me, excited as a little girl while I was putting my shoes on, so I took her with me, and then I guess she realized that I wasn't going in the car, I was going to walk and then she was sorry, but it was too late, we were already out on the sidewalk. Idiot.

Also, I am out there for a walk, for exersize, not to stroll along and sniff at grass where other dogs may have peed, but I was being tolerant and letting her sniff, and I had a plastic bag with me to pick up poop, too. Of course she pooped just a block or two from home, because she loves to make me carry the bag for long distances, with the smell of dog feces wafting up to my nose as I sweat and curse at her slow-moving wide load walking in front of me!

And could the dog walk any slower? I don't think so, in fact, I'm sure that my old grandmother could go faster than Buffy, even with no legs and no teeth, pulling herself along the sidewalk with her lips!

I hate men today, too, but I don't even want to go into that. I think I'll just go upstairs and knit and fume.

7:31 p.m. - 2006-10-02


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