monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I needed a string of garlic around my neck!

So I slept good today, without even taking the phone off the hook, which is what I've been doing lately to insure that no one calls and wakes me up. It was wonderful!

When I woke up I called RA to see if she had plans, because that is what I do every day when I wake up, but she only needed to go to the grocery store. I went with her in order to fulfill my new resolution to cook more often - I feel like I haven't made dinner in at least a week, although that isn't true - I remember roasting a turkey breast on...ummm...Friday, I think. And I wanted a Diet Pepsi.

While we were in line at the grocery store, we were kind of half-heartedly talking about going to the library and the fine I owe that I need to pay before I can check out any books. It's not much, I just haven't paid it because I haven't been to the library in a while. Rachel thinks she left the book in Egypt, but I think she took my copy (and left it in Egypt) and I checked one out from the library while she was gone so I could read it, too. It's possible that it's in her bedroom, because I kind of remember putting it there when I was done reading it, but have I looked for it? No, I have not.

I haven't done much of anything this week, except go for long car rides, and that is why there are three baskets of clean laundry sitting in the living room, and that is why I haven't found my keys that have been missing since Monday. Tonight I offered Kim five dollars if she could find the keys, and I am serious about paying it, too. I think I'll offer all of her friends five dollars to whoever can find my keys, and hey, I'll offer it to Olga, too. Maybe she'll do a more thorough job of vacuuming if she has some incentive!!

After I made dinner - Red Beans and Rice, my aunt's recipe that I've been making since I got married - I took my freshly charged iPod and went for a walk. I went for a long walk, just to listen to some music, including the Rush song Diana told me to download so I can learn to appreciate Rush.

So I walked through the neighborhood, saw a friend of mine walking who I sometimes walk with, asked her what she was listening to on her iPod and she said, "Enrique," to which I nodded and smiled because I just have nothing to say to that.

A few blocks away from my house is an alley that reminds me of the back of the property we lived on when I was growing up, all overgrown weeds and old trees with branches hanging down and I used to think it was perfect for kids to play in and one day I realized that it was just like where we used to play when I was a kid, so I like to walk through it. Then I turned left and went down a couple of blocks, went right and walked past the skateboard park, the softball field, and another field where some little kids were playing football in uniforms (is that safe? It looks like a good way to get a growth-stunting injury!) and then I was by the cemetary, and it was dusk but still light, and I don't know why, but I turned and walked through the cemetary!

I walked through the cemetary, and it was getting darker every minute as I walked through it! It was dark and the wind was blowing the leaves and sticks around, so in a way it was pleasantly autumnal, but also creepy as hell! There are several small mausoleums on the main path that I had to pass and the doors are not completely closed, which added to the eerie atmosphere! I was wishing I had someone with me, even a big useless dog like mine! She probably would have trotted through there faster than I did!

The path through the cemetary is all uphill, so I was not only nervous, but out of breath, too! Oh well, it was a good brisk (!) walk and I got through safely.

11:57 p.m. - 2006-10-04


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