monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'm too excited to sleep!

Not that anything interesting has been happening here, au contraire, I am just writing this so Jenna will have something to read at work!

Today was just long. Very long. So long, in fact that it feels like it should be November by now. I couldn't sleep for one reason and another, and it was like torture. All day.

When I got home, I was "all hopped up on goofballs", which is what my family calls it when I am over-excited and have to run around telling everyone in the house some thrilling news and then call all (two) of my friends and tell them, too!

I was excited about three things:

1. I had been looking at a website for art school for Kim, one that she has been interested in, but that I've been blowing off because I thought it sounded like something you would apply for by drawing a picture of Bambi from the back of a matchbook cover. Like it was just a couple of old offices in an empty strip mall! So last night I looked at the website, and not only is it a real college, it offers a BFA in Game Design, which is just what she has been wanting to do! The drawback is that it costs approximately 1 gazillion dollars a year for tuition! So I wanted to go right home and discuss it with Rich when I got off work in the morning!

2. Last night while i was playing Animal Crossing, Kim got a phone call from a friend that we call Daria, and I heard Kim saying, "You can tell me, I don't judge," (because she is so my daughter!) and then I heard her saying, "Uh huh, uh huh," and she wandered back into the living room, and whispered to me that Daria's boyfriend has been arrested for rape! I whispered back, "Assault? Or statutory?" because Daria is another of her idiot friends who is 16 and is dating a 23 yr old, so I thought statutory was very likely. Kim asked her, and then I could hear Kim explaining what statutory means, haha!

So Kim got off the phone and said he is still in jail, and Daria is very upset, and they wondered what I could find out about it, because my children have a touching faith in my ability to nose out information about anything, at any time! Kim didn't know the guy's last name, only his first name, which hampered my information-gathering abilities somewhat, but I told her I would see what I could do. This morning at work, Barb brought in the paper, and there in the Police Briefs, was a paragraph about the arrest of a 23 yr old male with the correct first name, on the charge of felony aggravated criminal sexual abuse! Also, it mentioned that the charge was brought while he was in custody for other charges, AND that he is a registered sex offender! Nice.

I photocopied the article from the paper and brought it home to show it to Kim, and was very excited to tell Rich all about it! FYI, aggravated criminal sexual abuse involves a physically or mentally disabled person, OR a family member, and the abuse involved a female between 13 and 17. Ewwwww.

3. I just wanted to mock the security guard who was working this morning and was all spastic because there was a dead bird laying outside near the employee entrance and he wanted to get someone to clean it up and test it for West Nile disease. It wasn't that he was wrong, it was the way he was all worked up and practically wetting himself with the excitement and importance of it all!

So by the time I told Rich all of the news, and then googled the criminal sexual abuse charges, I wasn't ready to sleep! I called RA, who was out in her car, trying to drive to Heidi's house to drop something off for her, and she couldn't find Heidi's street, so I offered to go with her and tell her how to get there, and also to share all my interesting scoop with her!

After that I was getting tired, so I went home to bed, and it felt like I hadn't been asleep very long when Olga showed up to clean and the dog had to run up and hide in my room while the vacuum was running, because vacuums are evil and scary! I fell asleep again and woke up when Rich came home at lunch time to walk the dog. He had to come up to our bedroom to find her, and after he went out, I was awake and couldn't go back to sleep!

I rolled around, trying to go back to sleep, and after an hour, I took a Tylenol PM and read for a while, then tried to sleep again, but at 2 I gave up and called RA. We went out to lunch and did some grocery shopping, and by the time we finished, the T PM had kicked in and I was ready to fall over!

I woke up again at 7, played some Animal Crossing, knitted, watched TV, etc. The usual evening stuff. It's so cold here that Rich pulled the AC unit out of the window and put up the storm windows while I was sleeping. I still felt groggy and tired, so I didn't get Kim to take a walk with me tonight, but I did get a good brisk two miles in with her last night.

So that's my long day, and now I'm at work with knitting and a library book and a little work to do, too. Looking forward to the next three days off!

11:52 p.m. - 2006-10-11


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