monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Eyelash yarn - why?

Mmmm, I just rubbed my nose, and my hand smelled like chicken curry! That's right, I made chicken curry for dinner tonight, because today I was at the World Market in Rockford and bought some curry paste! It's been a while since we've had any curry paste, so no one made disparaging noises about having chicken curry again! Maybe they were just happy to get anything at all.

When we were in DeKalb last week, RA and I stopped at Old N@vy while we waited for Rachel to get out of class, and we saw a very cute toddler-sized dinosaur costume there. We didn't buy it, and RA has been wishing she had ever since. So today I mentioned that I need to buy a skirt for Kim, and RA said she would like to go back and buy that costume, and we were off!

On the way to Rockford, I was knitting a sock, but it was almost done, so I said we should go to the Hobby Lobby that is in the same strip mall as Old N@vy, and ooh, hey, that's where World M@rket is, too, so let's stop there, and then Kim called my cell phone and said that she needed a pair of dress shoes to wear to her orchestra concert tomorrow night because today, the day before the concert, her orchestra teacher announced that they needed to wear nice black shoes, not boots, not Docs, not black sneakers. So RA and I went to every store in the row.

At Old N@vy:

We didn't buy a dinosaur costume because they didn't have any at this Old N@vy, so I asked Rachel to pick one up at her store and bring it on Thursday when she comes up for dinner.

There were no khaki skirts, either, something that I have considered a staple at that store, and I'm sure that's where I bought the last one, the one Kim has had since 9th grade that is suddenly too tight on her big fat size 6 ass! Sigh.

At the shoe store:

I did find a pair of black loafers with a 1 1/2" inch stacked heel for her to wear to the concert. She said she was going to practice playing the harp while wearing them, but I don't think she did.

At the craft store:

They should call it Ugly Hobby Lobby, because all the yarn there was ugly! It was all fuzzy eyelash yarn, except for 5 skeins of Red Heart! I hate fuzzy eyelash novelty yarns!

So I didn't buy any yarn (because there was nothing for me to buy) but RA wants to make a couple of dishcloths for her Sainted Son, so she picked out two colors of cotton and bought a pair of tasteful bamboo knitting needles to make them with. The rest of the needles were A. garish, and B. huge! Because you need really big, bright-colored, sparkly needles to knit your fuzzy eyelash garter stitch scarf!

So that's what I did today. Shopped, complained about ugly yarn and made curry. Then I took a nap and Kim woke me up when it was time to come to work.

11:53 p.m. - 2006-10-16


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