monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am just like a hobo.

This afternoon I went for a long walk with Kim, probably about 2 miles, and at that time I was wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt under a v-neck sweatshirt and was very comfortable. It was cold out, but we were warmed up by walking and I was even sweating a little on the uphill stretch through the cemetary and back home (I know, it was the cemetary, but it was daylight and I wasn't alone!).

Tonight when I left the house to go to work, I was wearing the same black sweatshirt, but I had taken off the t-shirt because I was too warm in the house. OMG, it was freezing outside, and raining, and I was so cold driving to work, wishing that I had a warm coat and some gloves with me! I felt like a homeless person! I was cold, hungry, and had no coat! Also, I was carrying a big bag full of my important possessions - knitting, a couple of books, tampax and Diet Pepsi - just like a bag lady!

My plan for tomorrow is to get out a coat, put some gloves in the pocket and start wearing it! I am almost always too hot, but I can take a coat off and leave it in the car if I need to.

The weather was not too bad when I went to the library with Rich this morning. He listens to audiobooks while he walks the dog, and he had just finished a book, so he needed to get something else to listen to.

The parking lot at the library was full, and we wondered why, but when we went in, we could see that there was some kind of book fair going on in the lobby. There was a guy dressed as Clifford, the big red dog, and another one dressed as the Grinch, and tables of books for sale.

We breezed right by it all and went in to get his audiobooks and to find some books for me to read at work - I am scheduled to work the next 12 days in a row while Kathy is on vacation - and when we came back out, we walked through the book fair more slowly, to see what they were offering.

A fantasy book propped up on a card table caught my eye, and I picked it up to look at it. Two women were sitting at the table and one of them started telling me about the book in an enthusiastic way, and from reading the back cover I could see that it looked good. I asked if they were selling it, because I didn't see any other copies there, and she nodded toward the next table over and said they were selling it at the local book store and I could get a copy at that table. I put it down and said that next time I went there I would get a copy, and she said if I bought it today she would sign it for me. Ohhh, I see! I said, "You wrote it?" and she said yes, so I went and stood in the thankfully, short line, and bought a copy and got it signed.

Then I went out to the car with Rich, where I had left my phone in the charger and called Heidi, whose son is 14 and loves fantasy, and told her if she hurried over to the library she could buy the book and get it signed for him. She said she would and also had a knitting question (she's making her second pair of socks!). Later she called and thanked me and said she took her son to meet the author and he was thrilled to get his copy signed.

When we got home I told Kim about it, and then she went to the library with Rich to buy her own copy and to talk to the author, because you know Kim has about 3 fantasy books in various stages of being written.

Later Kim and I went for a walk and when we got home, I took my knitting and a book and got in bed to read for a while, and to get a nap before work. Kim went to Sando's house to play DDR and eat pizza. Rich and his faithful dog went upstairs to the office to do some work. It was very peaceful at our house.

When I woke up, Billy No-Mates was messaging me from a hotel in a town I'd never heard of. He was traveling with his parents to some family function, and was bored by himself in his hotel room. I asked him what was new at the bar, and he said it was stripper revue night so he was glad he was missing it, and then he complained that he never met anyone there and that one guy he likes said that he likes chubs so that was depressing.

Okay, how is that depressing? He likes the guy and the guy likes fat guys, what's wrong with that? So Billy says he doesn't like being reminded that he's hefty, and he asked how I would feel if it was me. If someone told me they like fat girls? I'd say, "Come sit by me and bring a bucket of chicken!" He is such an idiot.

And then I came to work. And it was cold outside.

11:16 p.m. - 2006-10-21


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