monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which chocolate does not kill dogs, no matter how much you wish it would.

So it's Halloween again, or no, it's over now, so it's post-Halloween. I spent four and a half hours playing Animal Crossing because on Halloween you go out with the candy you have been collecting for the last two weeks and you search all over your town to find Jack, the king of Halloween, and give him candy so he will give you pieces of his Halloween furniture!

The tricky part of this is that all of the animals that live in your village are dressed like Jack, and they want your candy, too. So you have to hide the candy and tell them you don't have any, and they get mad and throw curses on you. There was a lot to learn about the right way to keep the candy away from the villagers, and I am an expert now. I got all of the pieces of furniture except one, and I'm pretty happy with that.

I was tired to death of playing AC by the time I finished, and I had skipped my evening nap so that I could play, so when I finished - and I didn't so much finish as just run out of candy! - I left all the furniture and stuff I collected laying on the ground in front of my house, and I saved the game. Tomorrow or Thursday I'll go back and sort it all out. I'm planning to take out the Cabin series furniture from Susan's house and replace it with the Halloween series to surprise her. She'll be coming over Thursday evening, so I need to get it done by then.

During the course of my game, I had to keep opening the door to pass out real candy to trick-or-treaters. I almost said "to the neighborhood kids", but that wouldn't be true. Most of the kids who came to our house tonight were imported from other areas. They drive over here in carloads because they think the pickings are better in our neighborhood. Maybe they are, I don't know. I do know that I started with 12 bags of candy and ended with maybe one bag's worth of candy left in the bowl. Minus the piece Buffy stole, that means we gave away about 11 bags of candy.

RA knew where we could get candy on sale, and we loaded up there, but they didn't have anything I really like, i.e. Almond Joy or Mounds bars. I offered to trade two of my candy bars for one Mounds, and one boy found a Mounds bar in his bag for me. A couple of others searched their bags but didn't find one.

Kim was gone to a party at Sando's house, and Rich was working late, so for the first hour of trick-or-treating I was on my own, trying to play Animal Crossing with the constant interruptions by kids in costumes, but then Rich came home and took over. He hung up a string of pumpkin lights over the door and then watched me play AC in between trips to the door. He is an appreciative audience for that game, which is funny, because in general he doesn't care about watching anyone play video games.

I tried to sleep before work, but I only had an hour and I couldn't fall asleep. I called Diana instead, and she reports that her dogs ate an entire bag of candy that she left unguarded. At least her dogs are smart enough to take the wrappers off. My dog just eats them.

11:42 p.m. - 2006-10-31


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