monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Overheating at the coffee shop.

I was questioning one of Kim's friends yesterday about whether she was using birth control because she is sexually active, and she asked why all adults used the phrase "sexually active". Because "Do it" sounds like we're in Junior High! So I introduced her to saying "The Wild Monkey Dance," which she thought was funny but still embarrassing.

Then Kim's friend Ana came over and wandered into the kitchen, where I was cooking, to get a soda. I asked her how things were going with her boyfriend, and she said happily that they are going well, and you know what my next question was - "Are you sleeping with him?"

She was surprised that I asked, and she didn't say yes, but then I told her she needed to use birth control if she was, and she said not to worry, in a reassuring way, to which I said that was no answer, and was she using birth control? Then she said yes, she was getting Depo shots, so fine, that is a good answer.

By then Kim and Catsy had come into the kitchen and they were laughing about me questioning Kim's friends, but I told them that was my job, to make sure they aren't being stupid.

Rachel had been sitting at the kitchen table and at that point she told them that I used to ask her friends, too, and they should just get used to it. Kim told me later that Catsy thinks we're weird for talking about this stuff, but if you don't talk about things to your kids, how are they going to know anything?


Tonight Catsy and Ana were back, and Sando came over, too. They are all writing novels this month, except Ana, who is drawing illustrations for them. Sando brought his laptop, Catsy was writing hers in a notebook by hand, and Kim was sitting at her computer. They were all packed into the den, having ordered pizza and then closed the door of the den to keep Buffy out!

It's NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month, and they are all trying to crank out 2,000 words a day all month to have at least 50,000 by the end of the month. Kim sat at her desk all afternoon working on her story, and Sando put in a lot of work today, too. He's got 5,000 words now, but he said he looked at that and realized he has to write 10 times that much by the end of the month!

Then I went out with Heidi to attend a knitting group that she wanted to go to, and when I got back, Ana had gone home, and the other three were in the living room, discussing their stories and making suggestions to each other. I love how seriously they are all taking it, and I can't wait to read their stories.


Heidi was knitting during her kid's piano lessons, and that inspired the piano teacher to learn to knit! So the piano teacher is very enthusiastic, and she wanted to start a knitting group.

We met at the coffee shop, and it was fun for a while, to sit and knit together, but I don't know if I want to do it again. The piano teacher is so very enthusiastic as to be, well, annoying, and she's such a beginner that it's no fun to talk to her. Oh, maybe that's just me and everyone else possible loved her, but if that's true, then they can all meet at the coffee shop with her again next month.

There was some live music scheduled for later at the coffee shop, and when the musicians came in and set up, a couple of them looked familiar, and one of them came over and talked to me but I didn't know him. He said he thought he knew me, too, but I don't know where we would have met. One of the kids was in Kim's drama class a couple of years ago and is going to community college now.

They played some jazz, and they were very good but jazz is not something I can listen to for very long, and anyway, the coffee shop was hotter than Hell or Arizona, so we left. Heidi and I left, I should say, because the others had gone as soon as the kids started playing but we thought it would be fun to watch.

When I got home I told Kim and her friends about the musicians and the girls knew who they were. I told them about the cute drummer who talked to me, and how it was obvious that he wanted me, but I don't think they believed it.

1:16 a.m. - 2006-11-04


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