monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I forgot my knitting and regretted it all night.

Okay, I just want to say that I am having so much fun writing my novel, that I hardly want to do anything else. So far it's really about nothing, just laying the foundation and introducing the characters, but it's frantically fun!

When I'm not actually writing it, I am mulling over ideas for a story, because the thing is, I'm writing like crazy, but I don't have a plot or any kind of story to tell. It's not that I have nothing, I actually do have a couple of ideas, but nothing concrete. Nothing like an outline or anything helpful that would help me plan ahead!

I didn't even play Animal Crossing today, because when I was home, I was writing! I have to play tomorrow though, because it's a holiday in my town and I need to show up at the fountain in the middle of town and collect my model from the mayor. I have a whole collection of models in the basement of my house!

Oh, I did have to stop writing, and so did Kim, so that we could go to her golf banquet tonight. It's the end of the season, and the girls recieve their letter or a pin, if they already have a letter, and then the coach makes a little speech about how much she appreciates them and how much fun the season was.

I didn't take my knitting, because I was just thinking about having dinner, not about the sitting and listening, and I wished I had it with me, when I was sitting at the boring end of the table, listening to Catsy's dad talk about politics and also he and Rich, who have offices in the same building, were gossiping about the owners of the building. It was a bit dull.

One of the girls mother had brought gifts for all the girls; a framed picture of them all together at one of the events, and she had brought extra gifts for the two seniors, Kim and Catsy, and a gift for the coach. I am not the kind of person who ever thinks of things like that. If my kid is in a play or a recital, I am not the one taking up a collection to buy flowers for the director, although I am happy to pony up a couple of bucks for the person who does.

I was whining to Diana on the phone about how I never think of doing anything kind and gracious like that, and she suggested that the moms who do those things are possibly the ones who don't have jobs and hobbies. She could be right about that, and it makes me feel a little better.

Catsy's father (the golf nazi) was talking about the recent college visit that he went on with Catsy and what a great place it was, which always makes me feel inadequate. The other dad that was sitting across from me had actually graduated from that school and could not sing its praises high enough. I did not mention that Kim is not even interested in applying to colleges, that I am doing all of her applications. I'm sure that would impress no one.

The only college that Kim has applied to on her own is the one that Rachel is attending, the one that is only about an hour and a half away from home. The fact that it is the only college she has applied to on her own should tell me something, I think. She has said more than once that she doesn't want to go far away from home, but then we get caught up in applying to this one because they are recruiting her, and that one because Sando is going there, and then the other one because Rachel went there and loved it, and we forget that she has already stated what she wants. Maybe I should just leave her alone and let her decide what she wants. It would save me the effort of writing that essay for BYU that she keeps putting off. Haha, just kidding. Sort of.

1:07 a.m. - 2006-11-07


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