monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which the weekend is over and I'm back at work.

I just reviewed my last entry and everything is better now.

1. I found my car charger - in my car, under the seat, where I couldn't find it in the dark.

2. Also, when I talked to Rich's parents about Thanksgiving, they had already decided it would be better to come down here for Thanksgiving, and not come in two weeks to see Kim's concert because it's in the middle of the week, which is a bad time to visit.

3. Scott called me.

4. I started a new knitting project, which is not a hat. It's a messenger bag for Rachel's laptop. It's not very exciting to work on, as it is just plain stockinette stitch with a little bit of shaping in the middle of long long rows, but it does use some of Diana's rings for markers.

While Rachel was at home this weekend, she started knitting a pair of mitts from the holiday issue of Interweave Knits. They are knit with mosaic knitting, a way of doing colorwork with only one color per row. She was so excited to work on the first one that she just sat on the couch all day on Saturday and I went out and rented movies for us to watch.

While I was out, her plans changed and she left Saturday to go play with her friends and go back to her apartment instead of staying over another night, but we still managed to watch 3 movies over two days. I had two left today, so I watched one by myself and I'll watch the other one later.

We watched Hoodwinked, which was more entertaining that I thought it would be, and Thank You For Smoking, which was very amusing. I could watch that again.

We also watched The Very Thought of You on Friday night with Rachel's friend Kat. It looked familiar right from the start and Rachel said we'd seen it before, and as it played I recognized it all. I didn't remember anything about it, so it was like a dream I'd had. It's funny and full of attractive people - I recommend it.

I didn't write anything on my novel this weekend, but I made a lot of people read the last chapter to see if they could give me any ideas about where to go with it. None of them had anything helpful to add, the idiots, so in the end, only Diana came through for me, and I appreciate her help and advice. When I am famous, I will not forget her.

2:26 a.m. - 2006-11-13


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