monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am not neighborly.

So yesterday Kim came home from school and told me that she had made a deal with another harpist. The deal was that Kim would let that other harpist take first chair, just for this testing period, because that girl needed to get first chair. She needed it because her dad was pushing her so hard, blah blah blah, and so Kim messed up her test a little on purpose to allow the other girl to get first chair.

Well you know whose mother went insane upon hearing this, right? Oh yes, it was me. I just stared at her, and then clamped my mouth shut and left the room, went to the den, sat down at my computer and started furiously IM-ing Rich at work to tell him how very upset I was, using the foulest language imaginable.

Kim followed me into the den, and I told her she was grounded, but I hadn't decided what she was grounded from. She started yelling that it was her life (wrong!) and that she could do what she wanted (wrong again!) and I said I was going to call the orchestra teacher and tell him what was going on, so she screamed that she hated me, to which I replied "Yeah, whatever," as I dialed the school number.

I told the Orchestra teacher, and he was horrified! "She threw it??" and "Those girls are crazy!" he said, and I said, "Yes! They're crazy!"

He said Kim would have to come in early on Monday and play the chair test piece for him in person, instead of taping it as they normally do, and I went off to tell Kim, who I think was secretly relieved. She calmed right down and later she admitted that she really did want first chair.

Rich came home and took her to a harp job at the museum; they hired her to play at a gallery opening. She came home happy and relaxed, and worked on her novel the rest of the night.

Today I slept until Rachel got to our house, about 1:30, and then we watched a movie (Friends With Money, starring a member of the cast of Friends, and you know my rule about that, but I rented it anyway), then we took a two mile walk.

My goal is to walk 2 miles a day for the next 5 weeks. I took the dog with me yesterday and Rachel went with me today. I have that new neighbor to walk with, but she's really no fun to talk to, so I plan to avoid walking with her if I can.

After the walk, Rachel and I met up with my new neighbor and we went to see a play at the local theater, where the audience was packed in tightly for a full house, and it was hot!

The play was not the worst thing I have ever seen them do, it's just that I was hot, tired, and the neighbor? She makes little humming noises, and whinnies like a horse when something is funny. Very annoying. Also, this is the second time I have gone someplace with her when she has mentioned that I wear the same lipstick color that she does. Since I think she is the most boring old lady on the planet, that doesn't make me happy, and when I got home tonight, I went looking for a lipstick that I bought last year under Diana's influence, and it's my new lip color. I'm going to go buy another one on Monday, because I like to have two tubes, one for home and one for my purse, and I will never wear the old one again. Maybe I am being too reactive, but she just rubs me wrong!

Kim and Rich went to the high school to see the musical there while we were at the play, and they got home about the same time we did.

I asked Kim about the musical and she said it was good, and the other harp girl had a big part in it. Okay, the other harp girl is in the musical, in a big part, has a boyfriend (according to Kim) who is very cute and had the male lead, and she still needs to be first chair in harp? I think she just wants to have all the cake. Rachel said she is going to kidnap her dog.

Rachel has been doing an update to her journal, so go there and take a look. I haven't read it yet myself, but I'm going there now.

11:31 p.m. - 2006-11-18


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