monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Reading fanfics and walking the scary dog.

I got to bed late this morning because Rachel stayed at our house last night, and she told me to wake her up when I got home so she could get up and get packed. While she was packing up and getting her laundry out of the dryer, I sat and played solitaire on the computer until I got sleepy, then I went to bed.

When I woke up, Rich and Kim were home from church and Kim was in the den working on her novel. She sat at the computer, typing on her story for the next couple of hours, until she and Rich left for Chicago. They had tickets to a performance of the U of I Symphony Orchestra, and they didn't get back until almost 1 in the morning. Kim reported that the orchestra didn't have any harps, but there was a short performance of a harp and flute duet before the main show.

Rachel had gone to meet up with some people in Rockford for lunch and then to go to a meeting in Chicago. She called later and said she'd been in meetings and traveling to meetings for 5 hours and was very tired. She also told me she raided our cupboards for groceries before she left.

So I was home alone all night until time to go to work. I took the dog for a walk, knitted, folded three baskets of laundry, and sorted through a huge pile of clothes in Kim's bedroom. She's been piling her clothes in a big papasan chair in the corner after she wears them, and when she needs to get dressed, she pulls something out of the pile.

She used to be so fastidious about her clothes! She would put something in the laundry when she took it off, even if she'd only worn it for 30 minutes! She still changes her clothes several times a day, but they just go in the pile.

So I sorted out the dirty stuff to put in the laundry, folded anything that appeared clean to put away, and hung up a couple of skirts and a jacket. I also took a few things from her dresser drawers that she hasn't worn in a while, things that she will never wear again, and put them in a pile for the Goodwill box. I put a pair of clean pajamas on her bed and laid out a sweater and a pair of clean jeans for the morning - she's got that chair test, you know!

What I'm knitting today:

I'm working on the Hufflepuff scarf at work tonight because the felted laptop bag that I'm making for Rachel is just too big to carry around. It's almost done, and I need to take some pictures of it before and after the felting, because so many people at work have seen me working on it and they want to see it when it's finished. Unless you've done it, you can't imagine how a big pile of knitting is going to shrink down into a thick felted fabric!

While I was in a cleaning mood tonight, I cleaned out my knitting bags - the one I'm taking to work this week, and the one I was using last week. The bottom of my work bags always have knitting needles, some loose stitch markers and a magazine or two, plus yarn labels and assorted papers, like shopping lists and notes to myself, hand lotion, tampax, and sometimes extra socks.

What I'm reading today:
I'm going to start putting the name and maybe a link to whatever Harry Potter fanfiction I'm reading here. I read so much of it, and then I forget to tell anyone about them. Today I looked on the internet for lists of favorite stories. That's the best way to get new stories to read; by following recommendations of other readers. I found one that I read a while ago and liked, so I thought I'd read it again. It's called The More is My Unrest. The authors of this story have written others, separately and together, that are excellent, and they have been working on a sequel to this one. I read so many that I can't remember all the specifics of this particular one. It's familiar, and I kind of think it's one I was remembering recently, but I couldn't recall the title. Anyway, I've got that to read at work for the next couple of nights, while I knit.

Today's walk:

I took the dog for a walk tonight, since Rich was gone, and we only walked a mile because it was cold and she is a boring companion. I should have taken my iPod. She was happy to see two young men walking down the sidewalk toward us, but when she ran at them (pulling me behind her!), one of them jumped back and asked if she bites! He scared her when he jumped, so then she had to give a little bark, and after that neither of them wanted to pet her because she was big and scary! Wimps.

4:44 a.m. - 2006-11-20


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