monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Day 4 of the consecutive walking.

What I'm knitting today:

Finished the knitting part of the laptop bag! Tomorrow I'll take pictures of it and start the felting!

That frees me up to finish the yellow scarf, and the Ariann sweater. I can start some new stuff, too! Like an earflap hat! And the cute mitts in the IK Holiday magazine!

I woke up later today, just about the time Kim gets home from school, and she said she did fine on the chair test, so she is still first chair, and the other harpist is still third chair, so hah! Kim says the other girl claims she was joking now. Whatever.

Jenna called tonight to tell me that her former b/f is engaged, the rat bastard, and when I told Rachel about it, she said she'll kidnap his dog, too. We might need to buy a house with a bigger yard, and a fence!

I went on the two-mile walk tonight with my new neighbor, and kept up a pretty brisk pace. I knew it was a little faster than she wanted to go, but it was a good walk, and a good part of it was uphill! I hope it doesn't get too cold to walk before Christmas, because I want to keep this up.

What I'm reading tonight:
Going Through the Motions on a fanfiction website called Checkmated.

2:30 a.m. - 2006-11-21


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