monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which there will be no dancing when they get home.

RA is back from a fast trip to her home state of Oklahoma, and we went out to breakfast this morning. I hate it when waitresses, or receptionists, or clerks in stores call me 'honey' and 'dear', and the waitress this morning kept doing it. At some point I called her 'hon', hoping she would get the irony, but I don't think she did.

After breakfast I went home to bed, and when I woke up, I started felting the messenger bag for Rachel's laptop. I did two wash cycles with it, using some of Kim's jeans for friction, and when I was done with the second wash, it looked smaller but just as oddly-shaped as it did after the first wash. Damn. That stupid bag is not making me happy.

I left the bag lying in the middle of the living room floor because that's where I was spreading it out to look at it, and after I saw how bad it looked, I didn't care about it anymore. Later Rich brought the bag to me in the kitchen and said the dog was very interested in it, so he was moving it to protect it from her buffling, and I showed him how stupid it looked. He claims that it doesn't look that bad, not that he knows one thing about it, but I put it on the kitchen counter to finish drying and I'll look at it again tomorrow and see if I can do anything to make it better.

Kim is up to 25,000 words on her novel now and I haven't written one damn thing since the first week. At that point I had 10,000 words, but since then I rethought part of the story and took some out, and haven't touched it since.

I took Kim with me on the two-mile walk tonight, and we talked about her story a little. She mentioned something about Sando's story, and I asked her if people at school think she and Sando are a couple because they are always together. She laughed at that and said they probably do think that because they arrive together, park next to each other, go in together, stop at his locker, then go upstairs to meet their friends and sit with them until school starts. She is in one class with him, and they sit together in that class, then they eat lunch together, with a couple of other people. I pointed out that if anyone else was interested in her, he would just assume she was going out with Sando and wouldn't talk to her, but she doesn't care. Oh, and she said that Catsy and another friend of theirs, the one who wears the big pants, both have a crush on Sando and he knows it but he isn't interested in dating since he broke up with his (hee hee) imaginary internet girlfriend.

My friend Shelley thinks they should just get on with the romance since it's obvious that they are meant for each other, but Kim just snorted when I told her that. They're planning on going to the same college, so maybe things will change when they're away from home. It would amuse me more if there was smooching, but I guess no one cares about my need for entertainment.

I almost forgot to say what I'm reading tonight! The one I started last night wasn't holding my attention, so I skipped around a little, looking for something else. I finally found this one, Answers to Questions. I think after I finish reading this one, I'm going to go back and reread one that I liked about Ginny, studying languages in Paris to forget about Harry after Hogwarts. It was left unfinished for a long time, but there was a lot of it written before the author stopped, and it was very good. Recently I ran across it on a recommendation list and it looks like the author has started working on it again, so I could not be happier! I'll find it and link to it, maybe tomorrow.

11:31 p.m. - 2006-11-21


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