monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Come pick me up, I've landed

Still hating the felted messenger bag, but I have another idea to improve it. Last night I worked on the yellow scarf until I ran out of yellow, and today I brought the last ball of yellow from home so I can work on it tonight. I need to go to the yarn shop on Friday and buy more yellow!

I had a hair appointment this afternoon at 2, and I woke up at 2 minutes to 2, went straight from bed to the salon in about 10 minutes!

Kim wasn't home from school yet when I got home at 4, and I panicked for a minute, until I remembered that she was on a field trip to the Art Institute in Chicago. She started text messaging me at 5, complaining that the people on the bus were getting on her nerves and she continued to message me all the way back to the school.

We went for the two mile walk (day 6!) and got home just minutes after Rachel arrived. She was sooo tired, all she could talk about was going to bed, but first we had to make the brine for the turkey!

So now I'm at work, the turkey is brining, and we are expecting Rich's parents tomorrow afternoon. Yay, I have 3 days off and we can all sleep, except Kim, who is slaving over her novel.

What I'm reading tonight:

Still reading From Answers to Questions, which is pretty good. It's a mystery, with a stalker!

11:43 p.m. - 2006-11-22


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