monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I do not have to go to the hospital.

So Rachel was here this weekend and she talked me through making a very cute pair of mitts! I am good at knitting but not so good at reading directions, so I kept messing them up and getting upset and she kept on patiently talking me off the ledge every time, and now I have one finished mitt that is beautiful. Here are Rachel's mitts:

Aren't they great? Imagine mine looking a lot like that, but there's only one of them.

Speaking of talking me off the ledge, another thing happened tonight, and that was that I took an extra diet pill by accident, and I was concerned that I would OD and have to go to the ER, where it would be embarrassing to explain it, especially since I know most of the ER staff. So I called Rachel and she looked it up in her drug guide, and told me what symptoms to watch for.

I found out later that while she was monitoring my overdose status, which she was doing via Instant Messenger, she was handling two other people IM-ing her with their various crisis, and also carrying on a normal IM conversation with a third person. That is some multi-tasking, baby!

So when she had been having me check my pulse for raciness for an hour, she decreed that I was fine and could go to bed, but here's the thing - the pills keep me awake, and also make me feel cold! So I was in bed, but not sleeping, and also freezing! I piled on the blankets and demanded that Rich lay next to me to warm up my feet (and he was too sleepy to ask why he had to have my icy feet on his legs), and I sat up in bed reading and knitting.

After a while, I did get sleepy and I slept until I had a dream that I was hallucinating and was confused and had tremors in my hands so bad that I couldn't open my cell phone to call Rachel to tell her that I was exhibiting the symptoms of overdose! Then I woke up, and now I'm wide awake, so I came downstairs to get a drink of water and got sidetracked by checking my email and then decided to write a journal entry.

I'm going back to bed to get warm and read some more.

3:53 a.m. - 2006-11-26


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