monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which my dog is nervous, again.

I'm so proud of Kim, who is still writing her Nanowrimo story, and is actually going to finish it! Sando had to work too much over the Thanksgiving weekend, so he says he is going to finish, but he won't get it done by the end of the month, Catsy dropped out in the middle of the month, I got stalled after about 10,000 words, but Kim is still writing on hers every night! She has word goals every night, and she writes until she meets her goal! She is amazing!

I still plan to keep writing on my story, and I just had a short conversation with a security guard friend at work, who is also a cop, and he kindly answers my questions. When I asked him something tonight, he said, "Are you still working on that?" like he was impressed. Hmm, guess i should keep working on it so I don't look like a big poser.

So I was pretty excited to get the mail today - I ordered some yarn that someone mentioned on her blog as being the softest thing ever, and ohmygoodness, it is! Now what can I make with just two 200-yd skeins of yarny goodness? I'm thinking of maybe a shortish scarf for Rich for Christmas. The yarn is called Malabrigo and I got it on eBay. It's wonderful!

Also in today's mail, was a package I ordered from, containing a new battery to replace Kim's faulty one, and the cover I bought to make my phone look cuter. I was afraid that changing the cover would be too difficult, since the directions were very tiny and in Chinese, but in the end I didn't even use the instructions, I just looked at the case, and used the tiny tools that the website told me to buy for changing covers. Easy! Now I have a shiny red phone, and Kim has a purple one. It's really kind of a dark lavender and she asked me why she has to have a gay pride cell phone, but I ignored her.

Our dog is becoming weirder. Remember last week when she was a bit edgy on a walk after dark? Tonight Rich took her out for a walk but brought her right back and said she is scared of the dark. What a freak. She is easily the biggest dog in the neighborhood, and apparently she is also the biggest chicken!

What I'm reading tonight:

What I was reading last night was Seeking Ginny, which is unfinished, but I like it alot. It's changed since the first time I read it, and the author has started working on it again, so I hope she finishes it. I don't mind reading something that's unfinished if the story is good enough, and this one is.

Tonight I am going to look at a couple of things I found on a search and if any of them are good, I'll include links tomorrow.

Adding this at 6 a.m. - here's the story I read tonight. Parts of it are amusing, parts of it are good, parts of it are nothing special, one or two bits are very good.

11:46 p.m. - 2006-11-27


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