monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am calming, like Xanax.

Here is a picture of Scott and Carolyn:

I'm putting it up today so that Rachel's friend Shawn can see it. He comes by about once a year and I am always happy to see him! Today he dropped in and I said something about Scott getting married and he was surprised, so I told him I'd show him a picture. And now I have. This is one of their engagement photos; he is wearing a sweater I knitted, and she is wearing her engagement ring(pop).

I told Shawn about my journal, and sent him a link so he can read it later. Then I did what I always do when I tell someone about my journal, I went back through some old entries to see how interesting they are, to decide if it will be fun for them to read. There are lots of dull entries about my (snore) daily life, but there are some funny ones, too!

Diana said recently that her favorite part of my journal is the titles of the entries. She likes to read the title of a new entry first, and see if she can guess the content by the title. To read the titles, you have to go to the page labeled "Older Entries". I know that some people who read my journal bookmark that page instead of the daily entry page, so they can see the titles.

You can't always tell by the title what it's about, though, because sometimes I use lyrics from whatever song I've been humming in my head all day, or what I'm eating at the time, or something stupid like that. Most of the time, the title does have something to do with what I've written, even if it's a bit obscure.

I hope you like it, Shawn! Joe told me once he had needed some nice normalcy in his life during a trying time, and he went to my journal and read a bunch of pages for comfort. That made me happy, because that is what I am all about, being the sane center of everyone's life. Don't act so surprised, you bastards! I know if Rich heard me say that, he would choke to death laughing, but some people appreciate me and find me peaceful!

3:52 p.m. - 2006-12-06


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