monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which everyone has things to do, and I am going to knit.

Good: It's my weekend off! Bad: It's only 1 degree outside.

I'm letting Kim skip school today so she can play a harp gig at a company Christmas party. Rich has too much work to do today, so he can't take any time off to drive her and the harp to the job, so I am doing it. The party is being held at a nice restaurant in the next town to the west, and I am taking RA with me for company so we can have a nice lunch at the restaurant while Kim plays, and maybe we can do some shopping, too.

This is going to be a busy weekend for Kim, with the ACT (retake) tomorrow, two performances of the holiday pageant at school on Sunday, and a performance with the Youth Symphony Orchestra on Monday night. She was supposed to perform with them on Saturday, too, but she was already registered for the ACT that day.

Rachel is leaving for Orlando today to spend the weekend at Disneyworld with two friends from college. She said she was having some travel anxiety last night, so she cleaned her room and did all of her laundry. It sounded less like travel anxiety and more like homework avoidance to me, since she was also talking about a paper she needed to write but was putting off.

Yeah, so the kids and Rich are busy this weekend and I have 3 days off and nothing to do, except shop and go out to lunch. I think I'll clean my room and do some laundry, too. I get all the fun. Don't be jealous!

What I'm knitting today:

Finishing the Yellow Scarf of Extreme Dullness. Good thing I've got some movies from Netflix to watch while I work on it!

5:41 a.m. - 2006-12-08


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