monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Animal Crossing helps me get things done!

Kim had to get up early to take the ACT again, and because I'm not working I woke up at 5:30, so when Rich came back from walking the dog, I suggested that he should go get her some breakfast from McDs. He needed to go out to buy dog food anyway, so he brought back a big breakfast for Kim, and she was very grateful.

While she was gone we took the dog and went for a ride to Littletown, so I could show him the cool wooden Christmas tree I saw in the shop yesterday. He thought it was great, so we bought that and some random other stuff and had lunch there, too. Buffy was happy to wait for us in the car, because she likes the car!

Here is the tree:

I only wish I had a picture of Kim's horrified face when she saw the tree sitting in the corner of the living room. She doesn't feel that it is at all an appropriate tree for the celebration of Christmas! I think we should get the wooden moose I bought at the craft fair a couple of years ago out of the attic, and set them side by side in the living room and call it done, but yeah, Kim doesn't agree.

So when she got back from testing, she had Catsy with her, and they immediately left to go out to lunch, and didn't come back for a couple of hours. When they got back they said that after lunch they went by Sando's house but no one was home, so they went to the store where he works to see if he was there, but he wasn't there either. They did some shopping and maybe broke something when they were looking at it, but you didn't hear it from me.

So then the bad girls were just hanging around in the den, looking at their webpages and whatnot, and I got tired of listening to them, so I went to the living room to play Animal Crossing. After a while they wandered out and watched me play until Catsy decided she wanted to make a character and play the game, so I gladly let her, because when someone else is playing, I am very entertained and I can knit, too!

I knitted the last 7 inches of the screaming yellow scarf while I coached Catsy in the finer points of AC. Kim wasn't feeling good, so she took a nap on the couch while Catsy played for the next four hours! I left with RA to run to the store and then drive around looking at Christmas lights, and when I came back an hour later, Catsy was still playing! It was great!

So the scarf is done and I have other projects to finish now, like:

  • The Ariann sweater for Rachel
  • Legwarmers for Carolyn
  • some random hats, none of which excite me, so I may do some ripping of half-done hats and then start a hat that I really want to work on
  • that darned Telemark sweater. I had such high hopes for it and now it is stalled with only one sleeve left to go!

So those are my December projects. It would be kind of peaceful and zen-like to start the new year with no unfinished knitting business. A clean slate, what a concept!

I hope Catsy comes back to play AC often, because not only did I finish that scarf, I brushed the dog, too! Just think of what I could accomplish with a steady source of entertainment like that! If she could only play in my bedroom, maybe I could manage to clean it up in there! I must consider this...

10:03 p.m. - 2006-12-09


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