monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Kim needs to find more interesting friends. Or I do.

So I was brooding on my summons for jury duty, and feeling resentful that I have to go again, and I called to see if I could get out of it, and the woman at the clerks office said the judge doesn't think having to work is a good excuse. Oh really? I told her that I have to work the night before, but I can just go without sleep, no problem, I'll sleep when I'm dead, and she just laughed merrily, or maybe so I wouldn't freak out and kill her.

I asked her how I got on this jury duty list and she said if you have a driver's license, or are registered to vote, then you get called for jury duty every two years. I know people who drive and vote who have never been called on for jury duty, so it seems like a faulty system is in place. It's my punishment for being registered to vote, I guess. Not that I actually do vote.

Kim brought Catsy home with her after school and they studied for geography while Catsy played Animal Crossing. I knitted and watched, and Rachel sat on the couch and studied.

While we were all in the living room, watching Catsy play, Kim said that Catsy thinks that Kim should ask John to the prom this year. I said that was to get Kim out of the way so Catsy can go with Sando, and Kim said, "Yeah, probably," Then she said, "Oops, I forgot she was sitting right there," and Catsy just laughed. Because it's TRUE.

I think both of the girls should ignore Sando and start looking around for other guys to be friends with because he is boring and weird. It's all about entertaining ME!

2:24 a.m. - 2006-12-13


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