monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Scott is 24!

So it was Saturday, and I didn't do anything worth mentioning. I never left the house, I didn't clean or cook - well, I did make macaroni and tuna salad, but that's not really cooking.

I did pick up around the house a little, and I wondered why Rich had moved my knitting baskets to the top of the entertainment center. He mentioned the other day that Buffy was sniffing my knitting intently, like she wanted to eat it, so I figured she'd been sniffing again.

Later in the evening I was standing by the television and glanced at my knitting, and saw...a chewed end of a needle, sticking up out of the basket! Looking closer, I saw three chewed needles, one whole needle and hey, where was the fifth needle? That terrible dog! I pulled the last surviving needle out of the sleeve of the Wallaby and used it for a cable needle, and I'm going to have to go to Verna's on Monday to buy more size 5 bamboo dpns. And that is why I hate the dog today.

Kim went to the movies with Rasheed, to see Eragon. What is wrong with this picture? First, Rasheed is Catsy's former boyfriend, but they are broken up now and she recently called him gayboy when his name was mentioned, and I did not say that I heard she thought she was pregnant by him last month, because I am tactful like that. (I didn't think they were still going out, so it was a surprise to me that they had been doing the wild monkey dance.) I questioned Kim about it later, and she said yes, they are broken up, and Catsy is sick of him calling her up when he is drunk. Huh. He seemed like a nice kid to me, although I did think he was a bit effeminate. Kim says he has another girlfriend now and she only went to the movie with him because they both wanted to see it.

Which brings up the second odd thing, that I couldn't believe Kim was going to see Eragon, as it is her bete noir, the beast that stalks her nightmares, it is the movie made from the book that ruins her life every day by its very existance - the boy wrote it and it was published when he was younger than she is! Oh, the agony! It is the Book Which Must Not Be Named at our house! There is also a video game version, not to be confused with The Video Game That Must Not Be Named, and you know what that is, so don't make me say it.

So Kim went to the movies and I stayed home and played some Animal Crossing. When she got home, she said the movie only covered a very small part of the book, and she and Rasheed mocked it.

I took a nap before I came to work, and when I woke up, Rich and Kim were watching the end of Return of the King. I can't watch that again, so I came to work a few minutes early.


Happy Birthday Scott! You're welcome for that gift of life I gave you, son, now go make me a pop with ice in it!

1:54 a.m. - 2006-12-17


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