monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which technology is not my friend.

I woke up at noon because the phone was ringing. Rich was home for lunch and he answered it - apparently it was a call he'd been expecting, and when I went downstairs he was still talking. He got two more calls later in the day, in response to resumes he sent out late last year when he was sick of his job.

Since I was awake, I stayed up and decided to try to call United Airlines about a refund on the cancelled flights for Scott and Carolyn. I've been trying to talk to someone there about it since Christmas, and have never gotten through - I'm sure lots of people are calling for the same reason! This time I was on hold so long that I know their hold music from memory, but at last I got a customer service rep, and got a refund! Yay!

Later in the afternoon the internet went down, and so did our phone service, which is through the internet! Rich was up late last night helping out at the homeless shelter (Scott calls that playing Hungry Hungry Hobos), so he was too tired to mess with it, and he went to bed. I had to go the rest of the night without internet or phone service! As a result, I was bored and came to work early.

What I'm knitting today:

Sock #1 of the green Silja yarn in a pattern called Single Eyelet Rib, that I found on a knitblog. Sorry, I don't remember whose blog it was. It's an attractive stitch pattern and easy to do while reading.

Lavender baby sweater that is sitting on my computer desk, but the internet is down, so I didn't get much knitting done on that one today.

Scarf in Grey Woolease that I'm making from a vintage pattern in a book Rachel gave me for Christmas called Knit Your Bit, which is all Red Cross patterns for wartime knitting.

Started the armwarmers in the Stitch and Bitch Nation book because Rachel wants them. I ordered the actual yarn called for in the pattern (!) because it looked good in the book and I've heard such good things about it from other knitters. It's a Japanese yarn called Noro Kureyon. The colors of the yarn are wonderful and I like the slightly scratchy woolly feel, but the pattern, well, not so much. I got frustrated trying to follow the chart and suspected that there was a mistake in it, so when I got to work, I looked for an error page online, and sure enough, the pattern is wrong. I think the cable-y design is a bit busy for the bright varigated yarn, anyway, so I'm not going to use their lousy chart. The yarn is so vivid that it needs a simple pattern that won't be overwhelmed by the yarn, so I'll either do 2X2 ribbing, or maybe use the Eyelet Rib pattern. I like the yarn, though, and would like to buy more of it.

What I'm reading tonight:

An HP fanfic called The Seventh Horcrux. I started it before but maybe it wasn't finished, or maybe I got sick of all the love, but I didn't finish it. I'm skimming the mushy parts this time, and liking the rest of it.

What I'm watching:

I watched an episode of Dr. Who just to see the scarf that inspired Rachel. It was amusing, but then Kim was babbling about her trig homework and Rich came in to tell me that we didn't have phone or internet access, and I turned off the DVD to talk to them, and when I had time to go back to it later, I just didn't care enough. I'm sending it back to Netflix tomorrow. The scarf is cool, though, and Tom Baker, as Dr. Who, is everything I find attractive in a man. Curly hair, nice nose, wearing a big knit scarf, what's not to like?

3:22 a.m. - 2007-01-04


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