monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which we are primitive, like homesteaders.

I don't know how I even got through the weekend, because you know how I mentioned on Thursday that I had no phone or internet service? Yeah, I still don't! No one seems to know why, but I think that problem has to more to do with NOT CARING than with ignorance. Those bastards.

You know my cell phone was broken too, so it was like living in the wilderness, far from civilization, except that I could use Kim's cell phone when she wasn't at school. On Friday afternoon, after the repair guy(s) had come and gone, and we still had no phone or internet, I went to the cell phone store and bought a new phone, so at least I am not like a pioneer woman now.

Rachel had been staying at our house for a couple of days because her roommates were all gone, and she was tired of living alone in her four-bedroom apartment, but she had to go home Friday night so she could work at the optical store Saturday morning. She didn't want to leave, and who can blame her? At our house there was knitting and movie-watching, also Kim and her friends were playing Munchkin and eating candy (they had to come over to our house because Kim couldn't chat on IM with them, what with the no internets!), and back at her place there was just knitting and movies all by herself.

She really had to go, though, so I helped her clean her car, which was a mess because of all the traveling she's been doing, and then I packed some food for her take home, and finally we shoved her out the door, promising to visit on Saturday.

Our original plan was to clean house on Saturday morning, put away the (very few) Christmas decorations, and then go to Rachel's in the afternoon, leaving behind a clean house. Well, that didn't happen.

When I woke up on Saturday, Rich was getting ready to go to his office to do something there, and asked me if I wanted to go with him and check my email. Oh yeah. It was lovely! I read my email, balanced my checkbook, caught up on webcomics, and read Diana's journal! Aaah! The happiness!

Kim was barely awake when we got home, and while she was showering, Rich and I watched TV (him) and complained bitterly about our internet service provider (me). We left our house at noon and went to Dekalb, where we had lunch with Rachel, shopped for yarn, and then went back to her place so Rich could show her how to set up a password to protect their apartment's computer access. The girls think they are unwillingly sharing bandwidth with the neightbors.

Rich had a little more work to do online, so he sat at the kitchen table with his laptop, and Rachel, Kim and I watched a movie and knitted. We were having a nice time, but we really needed to go home and let the dog out, so we finally said goodbye and left.

We didn't take down the Christmas decorations today either. Maybe I'll get to it later this week. Maybe. I don't know, I've got a lot of important knitting to do.

2:58 a.m. - 2007-01-08


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