monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Kim is tired like bear.

I am in pain every day around and behind my eye because of the damn shingles, and I've taken a lot of Advil and Tylenol to try to relieve the pain, but finally I called my doctor's office and asked if they could give me a prescription for something. I got it, but the Rx was for something I'd never heard of, and it didn't help a bit, so I have just kept taking Advil, which is slightly more effective.

I woke up today with massive pain, like I do every day now, and I'm so tired of it, that I called Diana and left a voice mail on her phone, telling her that I need her to get me some Mexican drugs for pain!

Then I went to my weekly doctor appointment where I get a shot of Vitamin B and some appetite suppressant pills, and when the nurse, who I'd never met before, asked me how I was doing, I started telling her about the shingles and the pain and she was very sympathetic. She said I should call my doctor back and tell them the meds he prescribed weren't working, and that I need something stronger! I waffled a bit, and whined about not wanting to call again and being afraid I would look like a "drug seeker", and she said, "Do you want me to call?" and I said, "Yes!" So she called the office, where apparently she knows everyone and told the nurse that I needed some Vicodan, and now I have real medication that works! Yay! Except that I can't take that and still stay awake to work, so I'm taking Advil tonight, but oh, I had a pleasantly dreamy afternoon, zonked out on the real thing! With almost no pain!

Later Diana called to tell me that she was ready to "make a run for the border" with her friend Sally to help me out, but I was already taken care of.

In other, non-medicated news, I have been reading A Dirty Job, recommended by Diana, and it was very good! I now look for ways to end every sentence with "like bear!" as in "The dog pooped on floor like bear!" Well, that's not such a clever example, but it's funny when you do it right.

In knitting news, Rachel is wearing the sweater I finished for her last week while I was sick in bed, and I am almost done with sock #2 of the wool socks for RA's son. Two down, two to go, then I have some fun sweater knitting planned.

Kim text-messaged me today from the music festival and said that she is so tired, and sick of being there, and she wanted to cry but she worked on her knitting and she was alright. Later when she called on the phone, I told her that is what Diana and I call "Knitting for your life," which is when everything around you is miserable but you can't leave, so you just knit so as not to lose your mind. That's my girl!

Rich is going to drive down to the music festival tomorrow to watch the performance and bring her home, where she can relax and play video games and chat online with her friends until she passes out and sleeps like bear!

11:54 p.m. - 2007-01-26


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