monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Knitting and reading, that's all.

You know what the best part of a new daughter-in-law is? The best part is that she doesn't have any handknits and I get to make stuff for her! I can make all the sweaters and legwarmers and socks that I want to, because she doesn't have any! It's so cool!

I finished the socks for RA's son, and now I'm free to make sweaters! I'm finishing the second sleeve of Telemark, and I've started the body of Gjende, but they are both labor intensive colorwork, so for something relaxing that I can do while I read, I started a third sweater tonight, a kimono-styled pullover that is knit almost in one piece. I bought the pattern at the yarn store near Rachel.

I'm making a sock to replace one that has disappeared, so that's another mindless bit of soothing knitting to do when I'm waiting at the doctor's office or need something small to take with me when I go out somewhere.

Not that I'm going very many places, since I am still in pain and feel so tired if I do very much. I'm getting better slowly, but still have a doctor appointment every week so the opthalmologist can check my eye. Yesterday I felt pretty good all day, but I think I overdid it, because today I had a meltdown at about 2 in the afternoon and had to go to bed. I napped a little, and watched a couple of episodes of Jeeves and Wooster from Netflix, and then I slept some more and now it's 3 in the morning and I can't sleep! I'm going to go back to bed soon, and just read for a while.

2:59 a.m. - 2007-02-03


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