monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am grumpy like bear.

What a night. I was trying to sleep and a phone call woke me up at 8, so I got up, and went downstairs to find some Advil for my headache, and there was a strange young man in my living room. I frowned at him but it was really just squinting to see who he might be, and I passed on into the kitchen to find some Advil and a Diet Pepsi, which, combined, is the cure for the common headache.

I sat down in the living room to knit and the boy had gone into the den with Kim, where they were making her character for the Saturday D&D game. There was nothing to watch on TV, and I wasn't interested in what Kim's charisma rating was (high, apparently, but her physical resistance to a longbow attack is shamefully low), so I finally dragged my crabby ass back upstairs and read a book in bed.

Rich came up after he did the dishes and I watched a TV show with him about how much a person's home is going to sell for (?), and then it was time to go to work, thank goodness.

And here I am at work, still crabby, now with added crankiness! Because we have a new note on the board, telling us not to send calls from substance abusers directly to the rehabilitation unit, but to instead page an intake person. An intake person who isn't so much interested in intake and never calls us back! Which is why we send those calls directly to the rehab unit! Asshats.

Maybe I'm so crabby because the weather is gray and ugly. The dirty gray snow is melting (and running into the basement), the dog keeps tracking her dirty wet paws through the house when she comes in, and everyone around me has a disgusting, irritating cough!

I finished sleeve number one of the Kimono sweater today and started sleeve number 2, and I'm going to knit on that all night and read HP fanfiction. I hope I find something as entertaining as the one I read last night and the night before. Last night was Tissue of Silver and the night before it was A Thousand Beautiful Things.

11:18 p.m. - 2007-02-21


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